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Question about making money on affiliate marketing.



Quick Question,

Say you invest $10,000-20,000 in affiliate marketing. What are the best niches, or what would be best to do in affiliate marketing to make net 20-25k a month?

Any ideas would be good. I know ppc/adsense
If I had that sort of money to spare, I'd buy an established site already earning revenue. You should be able to buy a site that is earning a steady $100/month then build it out from there.
People generally try to get 10x-12x monthly earnings.

So my calculations were wrong there, sorry! I meant you should be able to buy a site earning close to $1000 a month.
I haven't bought a site at that level though, you might get something above or below that.
Check out marketplace for premium sites that would suit.
A common mistake that many people make is not researching possible niches. Basically a "hot" niche is any that contains a group of people who voice a need and are willing to pay for the need to be fulfilled. Essentially keep an eye to what people want (Tell you that they will buy) and deliver them what they asked for.
EXCELLENT!!! John. I couldn't have said it better myself. I was gonna mention that point. Searching niches is a powerful way to find where to put your efforts.
I would take most of the exact same actions that I would take if I had $0 money to spend on affiliate marketing.

I would start by making a list of ten possible niches. I would visit the forums and read the magazines to find out what that niche wants. I would narrow it down and make sure that the niche has buyers. I would throw up a site and drive traffic to it. Since I have money, I would probably use Google Adwords and outsource some of my article writing. And I would build my list.
Thanks for all the great responses.

What are some good keyword tools for PPC.

Like od keyword gathering tools, etc.
My fave is the Adwords tool. Simple to use and seems to return much more results than other tools.
Yep the SEObook tool is free.

I've heard good things about KWelite. I haven't used it and if I was in the market I'm not sure that's the one I would buy, but if you already have it, you should be good. Although the guys that do heavy PPC typically use at least a couple different tools because they all pull different results and some have unique features the others don't. If you get to the point of needing to scale huge campaigns, by that time you can probably afford to invest in a couple.
I bought KE when it first came out, its one of the only couple of pieces of software I've bought.
To be honest I havent used it to its full capabilities but its an easy way of generating HUGE keyword lists from various sources.
I work for a CPA affiliate network and I've have seen people try many different things. Our publishers are either email, search, or web marketers! I would say that the pubs making the most money are either email or search oriented. Web publishers are also successful especially if they run a bunch of rev share ads. We don't specialize in those types of offers but are moving in that direction. In order to be successful in any of these categories you need to be persistent, willing to learn, and of course have the time! Find what it is you think you would be best at and go from there. There is tons of literature on how to get started doing either or.

good luck!