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Question for OWG and Kingpin


New Member
hey guys i think you two are the best to ask this, ive read around the net about over optimization of certain keywords I.e getting to many back links for the same anchor text, what's you take on this subject ? also how do you fix it ?

I think i may have made a boo boo :whistling:
Ok this is how I always explained SEO. the phrase is optimisation, ie. optimum position. Imagine a ball cut in half, the optimium point is right at the top. Overoptimisation means you are passed the best point, and have gone down the other side :(

You now need to get some balance.

Why do you think you have buggered up? feel free to Pm me to keep it off forum, and i will reply in private, and also (if possible) with generic information here in the thread :)
Thanks for the answer OWG, ill PM you and see what you think then we can get a generic answer for the post after that :)
RW, I have looked and I think that the p0rn links you have on the hidden CSS absolute positioned off page.. might be..

.... The best p0rn sites I have seen for a while :D

Just kidding no dodgy links people, I am teasing.

I have replied to your Pm with a couple of pointers :)

Now repeat after me
"size doesn't matter, it isn't how much you have it is the quality that counts "LOL
There is an old Welsh saying, it goes

"you might as well get hanged for a sheep as a lamb" I think the American equiv is "If you're going to be a bear, be a grizzly" :D