More than 70% Affiliate marketers know about quora and only very few make money.
The biggest reason is we don't know which question gets more impressions. Unfortunately quora doesn't let you know the top questions. But you can get this for free with a simple hack.
Here it is:
Step 1 : click on your profile icon and click on Ads Manager
Step 2: On the right hand corner click on New Campaign and Give a campaign name
Step 3: Under Objective select Traffic
Step 4: Under Choose primary targeting , select Contextual Targeting
Step 5 : And then Select Question and click on Bulk add
and Window will pop up and enter your keyword
Quora will list the questions with Weekly Views
Sometimes you may not get results if your keyword is broad like weightloss , in that case go for more specific keywords. Results for Finance and Personal Finance :
If the question already has lots of answers , reply to the top question to get more impressions.
A short intro about me: Am a content marketer for the past ten years. I wanted to create an informational book to help affiliate marketers and product creators to drive free traffic.
After 6 months of hard word , studying 100's of case studies and 70 plus product creators and affiliate marketers i came with my ebook and detailed 56 free ways to get traffic.
The goal is to help people to get free targeted traffic and use the techniques used by successful people. This should save years of experience trying different methods and sticking on to those which work. You can now directly byepass and copy the techniques used by successful affiliates.
Vision: Dont select the product and then search how to market. Rather know the sources and pick the product and bring it to right audience.
The biggest reason is we don't know which question gets more impressions. Unfortunately quora doesn't let you know the top questions. But you can get this for free with a simple hack.
Here it is:

Step 1 : click on your profile icon and click on Ads Manager
Step 2: On the right hand corner click on New Campaign and Give a campaign name
Step 3: Under Objective select Traffic
Step 4: Under Choose primary targeting , select Contextual Targeting
Step 5 : And then Select Question and click on Bulk add
and Window will pop up and enter your keyword
Quora will list the questions with Weekly Views
Sometimes you may not get results if your keyword is broad like weightloss , in that case go for more specific keywords. Results for Finance and Personal Finance :

If the question already has lots of answers , reply to the top question to get more impressions.
A short intro about me: Am a content marketer for the past ten years. I wanted to create an informational book to help affiliate marketers and product creators to drive free traffic.
After 6 months of hard word , studying 100's of case studies and 70 plus product creators and affiliate marketers i came with my ebook and detailed 56 free ways to get traffic.
The goal is to help people to get free targeted traffic and use the techniques used by successful people. This should save years of experience trying different methods and sticking on to those which work. You can now directly byepass and copy the techniques used by successful affiliates.
Vision: Dont select the product and then search how to market. Rather know the sources and pick the product and bring it to right audience.