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Rate One Another`s Squidoo Lenses

By God! I finally manage to add your site to my lens roll teamplayer, looking forward to you reciprocate by linking to my Yurts and Tipi squidoo :)

Ah, Temi, I just clicked on your thumbnail. All you have to do is tick the box(es) next to your lens(es), then `proceed` and it`s done. No need to click on my image.
Thanks dude! :)

Are you planning another lens at all in the near future or are you going to keep adding to the current one?

Well, I`ll probably stick with just the Camping one, as well as helping out my son with his Suzuki Van lens for the time being. I`m sure though in time I`ll be adding more.
Thanks Teamplayer,

Learning Squidoo ? if there is a term like that!
Commented and favourited yours & your son's Lenses! Keep them coming!
And a reminder that `comments` and `add to favourites` can also help too.
Yup, any visitor interaction on the lens improves lensrank, even a 1star rating! I would advise incorporating any method of doing this that may be appropriate, such as polls and plexo's.
Roo, what is plexo? Squidoo seem to have invented its own language which makes it difficult for someone who is not into it big time to get things done quickly.

Ooops! You're right they have created their own lexicon and I'm guilty of using it without explaining the terms! Maybe they should do a glossary!

A plexo is a list of items that allows others to vote items up (or down) it based on popularity. Now there are many different plexo modules, a few of them include youtube plexos, amazon plexos, link plexos, list plexos and possibly one or 2 others that I've temporarily forgotten.
You can also set the submission requirements and make the list open to all to vote on, all to submit to, allow people to grab a rss feed from it and allow down voting or not.

There are literally hundreds of modules available to use on squidoo, including a lot of merchant ones, but the easiest way to learn (well it is for me) is to click on add module and browse through the ones available, selecting different tabs if you know what you are looking for or just browse through the alphabetical list of modules. Though things at squidoo don't stand still so expect more to be added in the future, the latest additions include 'sticky note', 'amazon spotlight', 'blackbox', 'page contents table'. Who knows what they will add next!
Thanks for that detailed response, I think I know what plexos is now, will go and play with my plexos when I have some time :)
Weird, the Lensrolls and ability to favourite seems to have disappeared from the lenses, not just mine, but others I`ve checked.

Oops, what an idiot! Checked again and realised I wasn`t logged in. Still, I would have thought
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would have been visible whether a member logged in or not.
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Since starting this exchange of ratings, lensrolls, faovourites etc mine and my son`s lenses have shot right up the Squidoo rankings. Without doubt it`s beneficial to lens owners.

In fairness, if I`ve added yours to mine, please reciprocate. And by the same token if I`ve missed any of yours out then please let me know and I`ll rectify the situation.