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Ready to start but need more information!


New Member
hello, :D

I do have many questions but I also have concerns. I want to go back to school for a career in animation. However, I feel lost when it comes to how to start an affiliate business. I get the concept but the whole "let's get started" thing doesn't register with me right now.

I need to know how to start and successfully run an affiliate program. I'm tired of hearing about all these people making thousands a month and not being one of them.

I'm sure that doesn't happen overnight but I really need to have something to get ahead. Plus focusing on school fulltime while knowing I make enough to pay my bills wouldn't hurt either.

I have a disabled mother I take care of so you must understand the bigger reasons as to why I have such an interest in this.

Any advice or tips on how to make money a.s.a.p. would be helpful. I look forward to your reply.

take care,

There are many ways to make money online. PPC campaign, blogging, social media marketing (Hubpages, Squidoo, etc.) and others. Just pick one, test it, learn it, and see if you're comfy making money on it. Then keep reading this forum, other forums and blogs, and try out ideas.

Just a note, one thing you do have, if you're comfortable enough in sharing through a blog, is your situation where you're taking care of your disabled mother. There are many others out there in situation similar to yours. They can be a natural reader base for you. Tips and advices, even a forum, are great ways to drive blog traffic.

Welcome to 5 Star. Everyone feels lost at 1st. kbldshmn offered some good suggestions.

One of the best things you can do is stop before going any further and read all the stickies in the newbie forum. Those are some of the best getting started thread. After the light bulb goes on for you and you start to see a picture of where you want to go ask us more specific questions and we'll try to help.
Just a thought that popped into my head while I was reading this post.

kbldshmn said: Just a note, one thing you do have, if you're comfortable enough in sharing through a blog, is your situation where you're taking care of your disabled mother. There are many others out there in situation similar to yours. They can be a natural reader base for you. Tips and advices, even a forum, are great ways to drive blog traffic.

kbldshmn is right about the above. This would be a great way (if you and your mother are comfy talking about it), would be to start a website or blog FIRST about the situation, where you have found help, and all that kbldshmn said.

THEN: start adding affiliate programs to your blog or website little by little.

It would not make money for you quickly, but in the long term it could pay off for you very, very well.

using squidoo, blogger and other social media site to make money online can start you out, but my opinion is that you need a presence on the internet and they only way to do that is create a website or use paid hosting and create a blog.

Squidoo, and other social media sites COULD one day disappear (never, say never) and if you are using this for a major source of income, it will disappear with it.

The people that are making thousands each month did not start recently, they had a lot of trial and error (sometimes years).
Having been where you are now, I appreciate your dilemma. However, you have taken a great first step by visiting this forum and asking for help. It can be overwhelming at times what with all the "free" advise we all get in our email. Best advice is try not to feel too overwhelmed. Take your time reading over the opportunities, pick a couple of ideas that you feel comfortable with and then return to forums like this and get your questions answered. There is always someone willing to assist if you just ask.

Good luck,
Thanks guys I really appreciate your replies. After researching the forums I've gained a lot of knowledge. I'm going to be applying what I've learned soon so I can start making a livable income online.

I have many ideas but will try to focus on a few of them so I don't get overwhelmed.

I look forward to learning all I can to become a great internet marketer.

take care,

I would start by reading as much as possible. Squidoo, Blogger, Article marketing are all good for learning the correct methods of keyword & niche research.

But in my opinion the real money is made by

a. PPC campaigns OR
b. SEO methods - Getting your site to the top of search engines for keywords related to your niche.

If you have some cash to spare I would def go the PPC method and try out various niches and set your daily limit to between $5-10 for starters until you start making a few bucks. Then you can assess what is working and what is not and concentrate all your efforts of what you KNOW works.