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KlaasKoopman said:
owg are you like a very smart man? if not, you are great at sounding like one! great post! Ever thought of writing articles?

Thanks for the compliment :) Not sure what a smart man is lol Einstein was one smart guy, I think I am just streetwise due to my life situation, I thank God for the hardship i suffered as a child that gave me the skills needed in later life to make good decisions.

I do most of my writing in forums. I have thought about articles, and have written one or two in the last couple of months, but they have been on request from the forums I visit. My written English is really nowhere near the mark, as I am self educated. My Grammar is terrible as well, so I am not sure that my articles would be up to the standard required. In a forum allowances are made for my lack of formal education, but I fear that this would not be the case in the article world. :(

If I had the time to learn better English then possibly it would be an option, but unfortunately I don't have the time, nor inclination to do it.
to bad! you can be a very good writer, because of your knowledge and your english skills ( you are from the UK right? ) I'm from the Netherlands, my english is very limited.
I have no formal education outside of a high school diploma and a few college classes. My grammar also s*cks. I'll be happy to compare my W-2/Assets with any of my ex-teachers, whom stressed it's importance.
I was told I was sharp, but highly disruptive. Then again I didn't do school much so how do they know ;)

The best bit of advice I ever received or at least one of the best was from my dear old Grandfather who died when I was a kid. He said ' my little man, make sure you study maths, learn it like nothing else, it's a fact that people rarely get stiffed because they don't spell so good' :d Bless him he was right as well lol
My oh my, was that ever good advice. Give me any number and I can tell you what 70% of it is in a flash. lol

The best advice I ever received, IMHO, was from my Uncle. He said, "If you think you can or if you think you can't, either way you're probably right". That was at an early age, and it didn't kick in until I was about 22 and heard one of Napoleon Hill's quotes, "What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.".

Then it all hit me...