How to gain gambling traffic in various geos, top verticals and offers for push ads, as well as opportunities to meet the RichAds team in person
All this information can be found in our latest materials
Ads&Grans: how Capitalist became №1 finance service for affiliate industry
New Ads&Grans episode is related to the best financial service for affiliates.
Together with Daria Byvaltseva, Business Development Director at Capitalist, we discussed:
✔ Why does almost every affiliate marketer know what Capitalist is?
✔ What problems can a Capitalist solve?
✔ How to create a successful financial instrument?
✔ What was Daria's the most successful deal?
On April 16th, we hosted one of the most anticipated webinars, "Navigating the iGaming niche in 2024," together with Yellana CPA Network
Here is what we discussed:
• 2024 trends in the iGaming industry: GEOs and approaches
• Top 5 tips on choosing a high-converting offer
• Reliable CPA and ad networks: let’s examine together
• Yellana in-house platform: case study in figures
• RichAds’ AI capabilities and creatives’ insights
Ads&Grans: How to grow affiliate business in Dating sphere in 2024
In our latest episode, we've invited two experts from the AdsEmpire CPA network, which specializes in exclusive dating offers from direct advertisers.
Anastasiia Bilotserkovets, Head of Growth at AdsEmpire and Nilufar Yusupova, Chief Business Development Officer share insights on:
️ How to create a successful business in Dating sphere in 2024? ️ What are the main trends in Dating? ️ Tips and tricks for successful cooperation between an affiliate manager and affiliate. ️ Best offers for a beginner with best traffic sources.
In the recent article RichAds ad network team together with leading CPA networks and an iGaming operator share their insights and answer the question “how to promote gambling campaigns with skyrocketing CR”.
AI implementation Mobile Gambling and Telegram casinos Personalized experiences
And much more..
Ads&Grans: How to grow STM forum, AW conferences and personal business
Industry professional and affiliate superstar Kj Rocker visited our latest episode of the Ads&Grans show to discuss how to build a personal business and grow individually in the affiliate marketing industry.
️ How to start business with $10? ️ What work stands behind the success? ️ Unique tips and tricks to grow in the affiliate marketing industry
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