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S2S Postback Settings

Good Morning Everyone!

I'm a little confused as to how to establish S2S Postback.

My question is:

1) Do I have to establish S2S Postbacks between:

  • a) between the CPA Network & Tracker?


  • b) Between CPA Network & Ad Network?


  • c) Between Tracker & Ad Network?

This is getting real confusing for me (I do have some blonde moments every now and then! Lol Please be gentle ☺️)

Thank you in advance guys!


Trackers are not generic --does that tracker have a name?
Does that tracker have documentation on the
text fields and instructions as to how to configure the URLs?

s2s means server to server.
So --servers *speaking* sending data to each other.

In analogy, the tracker is your *brain* and the ad network and the affiliate network are your *arms* <= they need to communicate
s2s is that process.

The tracker tells you when the hand of your left arm is touching the hand of your right arm (in the simplest of terms).
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Trackers are not generic --does that tracker have a name?
LandingTrack. Sorry kind of missed to mention it. I sent them an email but it was too late for them to revert back yesterday so they'll be working on it "after the weekend"

Does that tracker have documentation on the
text fields and instructions as to how to configure the URLs?
Yes they do. But the documentation conflicts with the documentation found on PropellerAds (Ad Network). Hence the confusion.

LandingTrack says use the "Integrated DSP" template and then insert API from PropellerAds.

PropellerAds, however says to use the Custom Network & Add New Advertiser.

I added Postback to my CPA Network for LandingTrack and they say Inline IPN call was successful after I removed the $(payout) token and replaced it with their token along with $(Subid) for visitor id.

So much food such a little brain :(


Does that tracker have documentation on the
text fields and instructions as to how to configure the URLs?
Finally figured it out!
Here's the mistake that I was doing.

I was following instructions from both PropellerAds & LandingTrack! Duh me! :(

So now I'm using just LandingTrack instructions. So it's getting supereasy on my pigeon Brain lol

But thank you for responding and replying @Graybeard Appreciate all your help!

