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Safe Lists and Email Advertising


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an ezine solo ad is when you place an ad in someone elses list you buy ad a solo ad were your ad is the only one in the email and it is sent to 10 20 30 thousand

joining a safe list is an email blast were you advertise your lead capture page to a safe list of several different lists the conversions are low but your email goes out to 100's of thousands
Hey there - Here are some places to buy some newsletter blast

It looks like you have a MMO type ebook and you could contact some of the affiliate forums and directories all which have RSS feeds and many with list.

I would recommend , abestweb , hit up wicked fire also.

It's well worth the money and I have seen great open rates from that type of mailings.

Hope that helps,
Luke .
It looks like you have a MMO type ebook and you could contact some of the affiliate forums and directories all which have RSS feeds and many with list.

I would recommend , abestweb , hit up wicked fire also.

It's well worth the money and I have seen great open rates from that type of mailings.

Hope that helps,
Luke .

Could you, please, provide any direct links, where I would be able to familiarize myself with the rates and/or order the services? Thanks. :)
fbeater he's talking about,,
Not sure how any of their lists perform or what the pricing is.
I stay away from safelists myself. The problem is you are pitching to people who have been pitched to a thousand and one times before

I think building your own opt in list is the way to go. Yes it takes time and effort but the results from your own list are far greater than any safe list.

I can't honestly see the point in sending out thousands of emails if the response rate is going to be poor.

Interestingly enough, there are people paid to read emails. Makes you wonder:rolleyes:
It depends how well-targeted in respect to the advertised product the audience of the email blast is. If, say, an ad on financial services is included in a financial newsletter, it sure is going to be quite effective in comparison with some junk mailing list that's been used for promoting trashy products a hundred times before.

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