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Scan multiple documents for plagiarism???


New Member
I am after software that will scan multiple documents, against eachother for plagiarised text, so it tells me the percetage of plagiarism of each document that has been plagiarised. Not after scanniing against content on the web, there are plenty of those!

I have tried Viper and it keeps freezing at 98%. Have tried some others but not impressed!

Anybody got any suggestions??? Free software preferabley...
I create all of my own content. However, if I submit articles to directories, I create an article based on the topic of one of my webpages and then spin it using jetspinner. It saves time and seems too work.

I want a scanner for testing the final articles after spinning. It needs to scan the articles against eachother. This will show which articles are the most unique. Then I will submit those ones and delete the others....


Jet spinner seed article example (one paragraph)


{Conference calls are {often|sometimes} {referred to as|called} an ATC, which {stands for|means} Audio Tele-Conference|{ATC or Audio Tele-Conference|Audio Tele-Conference (ATC)} is {a term {often|usually} used|the {technical|proper} term} for conference calls|The {main|professional} {industry|trade} term for {these|such} services is {ATC or Audio Tele-Conference|Audio Tele-Conference {or ATC|(ATC)}}}. {The {main|biggest} use of {such|these} services is {for|with} {businesses|companies} to {stay|remain} {in|in regular} contact with {multiple|various} {departments|depots}, {nationally or internationally|on a national or international level} {and/or|and any} third party {clients or contractors|contractors or clients} etc|These {services|kind of services} are {mainly|usually|normally} used {in|for} {companies|businesses} who {operate|have} multiple {departments|branches} {around|all over} the country or {the|even the} world|{Companies|Businesses} {who|that} {work|trade} {nationally or internationally|on an national or international level} are the {main|most common} {users|customers} of {such|these} services}. {{With|With the} conference call services {people|you} can {oversee|stay {up to date|informed} with} {activities|issues} {within multiple|in all} departments {all over|around} the world {and|and you can} communicate {like never before|efficiently}|{Directors|Managers} and {staff|colleagues} can {run|operate} {international|global} {franchises|companies} from {a set location|one place} and communicate {efficiently|like never before} with {conference call services|a conference call service}|{Conference call services make|A conference call service makes} it {easier|simpler} to {operate|run|manage} {multiple|various|different} {departments|divisions} {efficiently|effectively} by {offering|providing} {excellent|great} {communication|standards of communication}}. {{You are|You're} also able to {keep|stay|remain} in {contact|touch} with {all|any} {essential|required} {colleagues|co-workers} without {having|the need} to {phone|call} {everyone|everybody} {individually|separately}|{They|These services} {enable you|allow you to} {remain|stay|keep} in {contact|touch} with {all parties|everybody|everyone} without {making|the need for} {tonnes|loads} of {phone|telephone} calls|{Colleagues|Co-workers} {can|are able to} {maintain|keep up} {sufficient|adequate} contact without {loads|tonnes} of individual {phone|telephone} calls}. {This {helps|will help} to {save|save valuable} time and {perhaps|probably} most importantly, {minimise the cost|save money}|{So|And} in the end {you|{you|your business} will} save {time|valuable time} and {money|of course, money} {in a|this} {hectic|competitive} and {costly|expensive} {business world|world of business}|{Ultimately|In the end} {you will|you'll} have more {time|valuable time} for {other|the other} matters {at hand|to {deal with|handle}} and {you will|you'll} also save {money|money for your {business|businesses}}}.