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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Seems I'm New Here


New Member
I'm new to this forum although I've liked internet marketing from a distance, it didn't seem to like me. Is it alright to say you like this without sounding fake? But the thing is I liked internet marketing for several years before finding a training site that showed me how to actually make money online. You have to develop the right mindset and so far it has not been about fast money. And when you have a teacher/mentor that treats you like you matter without talking at you or talking down to you... it's like you start to listen as though it's something new. There actually seems to be a step by step approach to this business which takes some time. Who would have thought of that? And then you just might have a winning formula for making money online.

{sig removed, it does not go here}
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Hi Linda,
Sorry message I am trying to send is supposed to be a private one. I can't find that button.
