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Simple Basic Landing Page For CPA Mobile Offers

i tried offer in fb and account got flagged for violating policy..was running fb ad.. money also go wasted bcaiuse no option of claim.. i am not promoting sweepstakes only cpa offers atleast 15-40 dollar per adwords i prefer
i tried offer in fb and account got flagged for violating policy..was running fb ad.. money also go wasted bcaiuse no option of claim.. i am not promoting sweepstakes only cpa offers atleast 15-40 dollar per adwords i prefer
Keep In Mind That the ban of Google is worse then the ban of Facebook .
Hello AffiliateFix members
am going to give away a great landing page that can be used with lot of verticals ,
like sweepstakes , app install , etc ...

this is the Picture the landing page

Download From Here

you can Download also fro the Resources

to edit the landing page
open the index.html file

and feel free to change the texts inside based on your need.
the landing page is a gift from
any Question Let me know
Good luck

I am trying now to do the 3rd step of this video, but now AWS requires a certificate for the page and after validation, I still can't seem to use the newly generated certificate I have for this domain I bought from Namecheap, to use to make the distribution. What do I do?

you can use purelander to edit the landing page.
and for the hosting please follow my tutorial from here Tutorial Step-By-Step: how to create and host your landing page, the right way.
if you have any problem let me know please
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