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“AdsEmpire”/Direct Affiliate
Skro Tracker

Official | Affiliate campaign tracker with Free plan - 250k free events per month

Sedo integration

Sedo and Skro integration gives you the ability to sync earnings data that has been adjusted after Sedo first postback.
  • Update revenue of the previous 3 days once a day.
Integration guide is here

Add integration
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Integration form
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Workspaces :cool:

We have done some improvements and developed workspaces to separate your campaigns and elements and assign your team members to different workspaces.

  • By default there are 2 default workspaces Master and Public.
  • Public workspace is visible for all your members.
  • Master is a default private workspace and only account Owner has the access to this workspace and can invite other members to Master.
  • Account Owner can create more private workspaces to separate the required campaigns and elements and delegate the management to your team members.
Team members view
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Workspaces view
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Change your workspaces by clicking "Workspaces" on the top bar.

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System1 integration

System1 and Skro integration gives you the ability to sync earnings data that has been adjusted by different traffic sources.
  • Update revenue of the previous 2 days once a day.
Integration guide is here

NB! Full integration for Google Ads is also ready, but we are still waiting for Google approval. Will let you know when it is ready to use.
Integration will give you access:

  • auto cost sync every 30 min.
  • conversion api
  • pause/enable campaigns, ad groups and ads through the Skro interface.

Add integration

Integration form
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Encrypt custom parameter values

We just added encrypt support for custom1 - 10 parameter values.
You will find new placeholders like {custom1Hash} in offer form. Just edit your current offer and you are good to go.

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In campaign details report view click to the Column settings button and enable Hash column to see hashed values in report.

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Google Ads Integration :cool:

Google approved our integration request and you are now able to integrate your Google Ads account with Skro.

  • Auto cost sync every 30 min.
  • Conversion API
  • Pause/enable campaigns, ad groups and ads through the Skro interface.
How to integrate?

1. Navigate to Settings -> Integrations and click on Add button.
2. Click on Google Ads logo and you will be redirected to Google for verification.


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3. Integrate your Google Ad account

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4. Enable Conversion API.
5. Enter your Google Conversion Event names.
6. Click on Save & Close button.

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Google Ads integration is done.

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PS: Navigate to the Traffic Sources and add Google Ads as your traffic source and choose your Google Ads integration from dropdown menu.

When creating a campaign, then in Step 1 you can define your Conversion Action Event for the Conversion API.

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Pause/enable your campaigns, ad groups and ads.

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Microsoft (Bing) Ads Integration :cool:

Microsoft Ads integration gives you the ability to manage and optimize all your Microsoft ads through the Skro interface.
  • Sync cost for campaigns, ad groups and ads every 30 min.
  • Check the status of your campaigns, ad groups and ads.
  • Pause or resume campaigns, ad groups and ads.
  • Conversion API
How to integrate?

1. Navigate to Settings -> Integrations and click on Add button.
2. Click on Microsoft logo and you will be redirected to Microsoft for verification.

Here is our integration guide.

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Bodis integration

Bodis and Skro integration gives you the ability to sync earnings data.

  • Update revenue data every hour.
Integration guide is here

Add integration

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Integration form

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Taboola Integration :cool:

integration gives you the ability to manage and optimize all your Taboola campaigns and ads through the Skro interface.

  • Sync cost for campaigns and sites every 30 min.
  • Check the status of your campaigns and ads.
  • Pause or resume campaigns and ads.
  • Conversion API.
How to integrate?

1. Navigate to Settings -> Integrations and click on Add button.
2. Click on Taboola logo -> Add Your Credentials -> Choose Account -> Enable Conversion API -> Add Events.

Here is our integration guide.


Screenshot 2023-06-23 at 18.18.08.png
Exciting Updates!

Improved Performance with Aggregated Reports:
We have addressed speed issues by introducing aggregated reports. Now, data is aggregated in 15-minute steps, providing faster access to information. Additionally, the reports support different time zones, allowing for enhanced flexibility.

IPV4 Aggregated Reports:
We have made changes to IPV4 Aggregated Reports. They are now available only at the campaign level and cover the last 2 months of data. Previously, this feature provided data for a year, but we have refined it to focus on recent information and optimize storage.

Clicks & Conversions Logs:
We continue to store clicks and conversions information for the past 60 days.

Expanded Currency Support:
We now support a wide range of 169 different currencies. While the main currencies for user accounts remain as USD and EUR, you have the flexibility to work with various currencies based on your needs.

Enhanced Integrations:
We are excited to announce the new integration: SEDO + Facebook direct tracking with API. With this integration, you can use SEDO direct offer links in your Facebook ads and seamlessly sync all your data into Skro via the API. This integration also helps extend the lifespan of your Facebook accounts. Previously, we had Redirect & Direct tracking, which required the inclusion of the Skro Click ID for tracking purposes. Now, the process is streamlined and more efficient.

Auto-Cost Sync:
We offer auto-cost sync functionality for popular platforms such as Facebook, Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and Taboola. This feature ensures that your cost data is automatically synchronized, saving you time and effort in manual tracking and data entry.

Please note that with the introduction of the new aggregated reports, auto-cost sync for PropellerAds, Pushground, Mondiad, and ExoClick is not currently available. We are continuously working to expand our offerings and improve integrations, so stay tuned for future updates.

We hope these updates enhance your experience and provide you with valuable insights for your advertising campaigns. If you have any questions or need assistance feel free to write here or use our live chat on our homepage.
Hello, we have some new updates for you.

Meta Integration
Meta integration gives you the ability to manage and optimize all your campaigns, adsets and ads through the Skro UI. Just integrate your Meta ad account and enable conversion API and you are ready to launch your first campaign.

Integration gives you the following access:

  • Auto cost sync every 30 min.
  • Conversion API.
  • Turn on / off campaigns, adsets and ads through the Skro UI.
  • Check the delivery status.
  • Change Daily Budget.
  • Import dynamic columns like CPM, Link CPC, Link CTR, Impressions, Link EPC and Link Clicks from Meta to Skro. These columns are available on your campaign details view if you group by Campaign ID, AdSet ID or Ad ID
New integration guide is here

MGID Integration
MGID integration gives you the ability to manage and optimize all your MGID ad campaigns through the Skro UI.

  • Sync cost for campaigns, teasers and widgets every 30 min.
  • Check the status of your campaigns, teasers and widgets.
  • Pause or resume campaigns, teasers and widgets.
  • Change bid for teasers.
Integration guide is here

Other updates

  • Bulk update to change tracking domain for all your campaings.
  • Bulk update to change workspace for all your campaigns, offers, landings, flows, aff networks and traffic sources.
  • Add CPA column for reporting.
  • Notes for campaigns.
  • New toolbar in UI.

Coming next month

  • Dynamic columns for Meta when group by Date.
  • Integrations for traffic sources like Outbrain and TikTok.
    Revenue sync for Crossroads (domain active).
  • Landing page protection script.
Is there a page explaining how the program works? And is it possible to integrate the program into an e-commerce site?
New updates :cool:

We have now 16 integrations and more is coming.

TikTok integration gives you the ability to analyze, optimize and scale all your campaigns, ad groups and ads through the Skro UI.

  • Auto cost sync every 30 min.
  • Conversion API.
  • Turn on / off campaigns, ad groups and ads through the Skro UI.
  • Check the delivery status.
  • Change Daily Budget for campaigns and ad groups.
  • Import dynamic columns like CPM, Link CPC, Link CTR, Impressions, Link EPC and Link Clicks from TikTok to Skro. Columns are available on campaign details view if you group by Campaign ID, AdGroup ID or Ad ID.
Integration guide is here

Outbrain integration gives you the ability to analyze, optimize and scale all your Outbrain ad campaigns through the Skro UI.

  • Sync cost for campaigns and sections every 30 min.
  • Check the delivery status of your campaigns, publishers, sections and ads.
  • Turn on / off campaigns, publishers, sections and ads.
  • Change bid for campaigns and sections.
Integration guide is here

Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 18.19.38.png

Coming this quarter

  • Automated rules for FB, TT, Outbrain, Taboola.
  • Integration for RevContent, Ads and AdNow.
  • Landing page protection script.
  • Up to 5 custom parameters for Postback URL and aggregated reports.
Update - Postback URL with additional parameters
You can now send up to 5 additional postback parameters back to Skro and view aggregated reports under campaign details view. For example you can use that for keywords if you are doing SearchArb.
Default postback URL with additional params:

New affiliate network

Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 17.28.26.png

Campaign details view group by

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Supported Group By values are:
- Campaign
- Offer
- Landing
- Flow
- Affiliate Network
- Traffic Source
- Date
- Day
- Hour of day
- Day of week
- Day of year
- Year
- Month
- Quarter
- Postback Param 1
- Postback Param 2
- Postback Param 3
- Postback Param 4
- Postback Param 5
New Updates :cool:

Rules for rule-based paths:

  • Uniqueness (24h) - This option helps to separate unique visits from non-unique.
  • IsBot - Create an extra path for bot traffic. We detect bots by browser User Agent.

Sedo + Facebook Meta Ads Direct API Tracking

  • Add Redirect link support for Direct API tracking without Skro Click ID. Direct API tracking works if you have defined these params and macros in your Sedo offer URL: &sub1={campaignId}|{offerId}&sub2={custom5}|custom3}|{custom1}

Landing Protection Script (PHP and Javascript)

You can protect your landing pages from direct visits. Protection is based on calculating time difference between forwarding a user to landing page and time of actual visit to landing page.
Your landing page will only be visible if a visitor goes through the campaign link. It will not be possible to see the content of landing page or any part of its code which basically means that no competitor's spy tool is able to reach your page.

Copy the protection script and append &key={landingKey} to your landing URL.


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