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So... What Are Your Hobbies?

I love to travel (for almost 4 years full-time now!), listen to music, hike, and stroll around and discover new cities.
I love travel. I have already visited many countries in Europe. My dream is Australia. I've imagined my trip so many times. But so far it's just plans. Air travel is very expensive. And the cost of the hotel, transfer, food is a big expense
I love to code new things and work on something that I have no experience of. I've coded in languages and frameworks that I had no experience of, I just love this feeling to do something new :D
I like music and would like to share a few of my recent works:

The Wicker Man - Magellan of railways
quarantine days / random volca drone

I like drone and ambient. These genres are borderless in terms of imagination.
I think, the favourite one - creating my own game. I am making my own Card Game, dedicated to battle-rap (actually I think you don`t know what it is), also I like to make some music (grime,dubstep) and other UK waves. I think we shouldn`t count sport and reading books as hobbies, those things are attached to every normal man.