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“Adavice”/  “CPA - UK TV forum - Over 1500 members - 33k+ posts - Doing great in SEs


John D

I am selling one of my sites,

This is a relist and the site was sold at the BIN to three people, two didnt have the money available and I have waited over 3 weeks to hear back from the other winner.

Please do NOT bid unless you have the money available when the auction ends or at the BIN.

This is a forum for UK soaps, for example eastenders, coronoation street, Emmerdale etc. as well as general TV.

The stats are currently:
Our members have made a total of 33,543 posts
We have 1,544 registered members
The newest member is kain
Most users ever online was 374 on Jul 13 2005, 03:24 AM


Traffic stats: Http://
Referral stats: Http://

Take a look at the referral stats, the traffic is great quality and you can see for yourself there is a very high % of traffic from search engines.

I have not paid for advertising ANYWHERE so all traffic is natural.

Included in the sale:
Unique design
Complete site files and databases
IPB License (Still not 100% on this, I have to get the login information but you can see from the site that there is an IPB license registered for the site)
Domain name

The only thing I have done is place adsense in a few places, never really integrated it well.
Income is $63 since October.
I'm sure anyone that knows about advertising knows a lot more could be made from this site, some options I would recommend for the new owner would be popup ads - These tend to work a lot better on entertainment related sites.
Because of the genre of this site I think affiliate links would also work very well - Maybe chitika?

Other info:

The site has great links with the entertainment industry and I am often contacted by TV stations, studios and concert organisers and offered tickets, passes etc. but I never take advantage of this because I don't live in England where most of the studios, concerts etc. are.

Reason for sale:
I would like to free up a little bit of cash for a quick break next month with my other half so the extra money would come in nicely.

Payment can be made through paypal or UK bank transfer (I have an Alliance & Leicester account).

Price: Current Offer $1400
BIN: $2500 (This was reached by 3 people before so I think its a good level for a site this size).

End Date: One week from today or open to offers for BIN
Reason for sale:
I would like to free up a little bit of cash for a quick break next month with my other half so the extra money would come in nicely.


Do you not have vbcode enabled?

I am actually going away this month and I had to sell another site last week which covered a lot of what I needed but I still need some more.

I run quite a few sites and I'm trying to focus on three now.
No John,
vbcode not enabled To discourage spammers who just want to exploit this forum for free links :)
You could disable just the URL code ;)

If you want a hand doing it just let me know, or you could even disable URL just for users with less than x posts.
If you need a hand just let me know, I run a few vb forums and have done it a few.
I certainly can use a hand now and again, come join our moderators team whenever you have some time to spare