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Squidoo Marketing : is Squidoo working for you?

I was wondering do you guys consider a blog of your own to be something your own with own domain etc . I know it doesn't require domain & all that but lets just imagine.

Not exactly sure what you mean BUT a blog of your own WOULD be with your own domain.

But there is one problem with blogger & that is content will need to be updated each and every single day while squidoo you can just write lenses on random topics.

Not true. Blogs, whether your own or on Blogger can be updated whenever you want. Many just update weekly. BUT search engines like frequently updated content and once a day for blogs is great but not necessary.
Hey Linda, thank for the device. Basically I had heard that you should update blog daily when starting out , but your saying it can update weekly as well so thats alright.

Second thing i know this is a very common and shouldn't be asking it but cant help it.... I was wondering is blog better or a website as in for traffic generation or they both generate traffic equally?
I was wondering do you guys consider a blog of your own to be something your own with own domain etc . I know it doesn't require domain & all that but lets just imagine.

It's best. You can pick up a domain name (and one with keywords if you're lucky or at least something you can create some branding out of) for about $10 or less and to start out you can get shared hosting for about $5 a month.

If you don't do it that way:

  1. you are stuck with whatever limits WordPress or Blogger place on you (e.g., re: advertising, bandwidth, etc), and
  2. you may have difficulty or greater difficulty transferring all your content later.

But there is one problem with blogger & that is content will need to be updated each and every single day

I don't know why you would say that. You can update a blog (blogger or not) several times a day or a few times a year - it's entirely up to you.
Squidoo is a hit and miss, some lens have great exposure but I have LOTS of lens that has zero visitors since the lens was made.

Till now, I have some lens that give me sales every month, with low maintenance and only give updates when necessary.

The wisest use of Squidoo is make it test page because Squidoo lens tends to rank higher my own sites (no wonder, Squidoo has PR 7!). If the lens Success in Squidoo, I will definetely rewrite better content in my own sites so I have full control without worrying my lens will get deleted.
Squidoo works if you put some work into it. But then so does any content site on the internet. If you invest in creating genuine content and do your fair bit of SEO then you will get traffic

I admit to having a few squidoo lenses but now I focus on putting my content on my own websites or blogs

Ask anyone that had 50 or 100 hours of the work they put into Squidoo removed at the whim of Squidoo what they think of Squidoo.

Build links to your own property on "free websites" Build your money making page on your own websites...
Yes I totally agreee with scarpet1. It sucks big time to put so much time and effort into a piece get it published and working the way you want it to and then thing you have a good source of traffic only to have Squidoo yank it down and for what because someone did not like it or because someone says it is a bit spamy.

In either case, it is discouraging and leave a bad taste in your mouth for that platform to say the least. The killing part about it is as you look into it and view more and more Squidoo pages you don't see the difference between your page and countless others that have been there forever seemingly.

The point is get your own site and set it up the way you want then promote it and drive traffic to it no one can take that away from you for the most part or at least not that easily.
Exactly. The bottom line is never, ever give someone else control over your sites and your content.
minstrel absolutely, this is the quickest way to failure in this business. This is also why I like email marketing much better because you have total control over the message being delivered and you know exactly what your audience will be and how many of them will at least have a chance to view it. With a little tracking you can find out how many of them actually saw the message and how many of them actually took action on the message. This helps me so much in my business it is invaluable, and a must have if you are serious about making money online! I just know it works for me and has been tried and tested over the years as one of the best sources of online income!
I just use blogs, and do SEO to get traffics as an affiliate.
I dont rely on social bookmarking/networking sites for traffic or sales promotion.
Re :

This thread is interesting because I have tested squidoo I believed it could generate sales by itself (I mean after you made all the daily work to update the site blabla).
Now, I think we should rethink it under the Dimitri's views e.g. to generate new subscribers to our list.
Well, here's some thoughts from a newbie...LOL only a newbie to the forum.

I sold $39 worth of Clickbank products yesterday on squidoo
and one of my lenses also brought in $9.75 from an amazon product yesterday too... The niche was on Amazons Kindle.

Only recently have I began to make lenses on the niche IM, and Affiliate marketing. Personally what people tell you that it's a hard niche. Honestly I don't think so, it's doing pretty well for me at the moment. Haven't seen any money from the lenses on the niche, but that's not why I made those lenses, I make them for the leads only. The leads are more valuable.

Oh one more little tidbit on squidoo. 1st make an article, or get it outsourced, whatever you do this is going to make you a lot of money.

Post that article on Ezine. Once that article goes live grab it and create a lens on it. I used to do this all the time, that's why I have sooooo many lenses :)

Thought I would share that with you all

Just wanted to add that I have a few profiles I work with as well. I believe 3 at the moment.