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Started my journey with Sweeps and got strange results so far


Vertical - Sweeps (Phone)
Geo - Brazil

I asked my AM for good converting offer, grabbed good converting LP from Adplexity (even showed it to AM to check if its really good).
Altered the page a bit.
Ordered translation on Fiverr (English to brazil portuguese)
Hired a programmer to check code for backdoors, etc and clean it up a bit.
Uploaded landing on AdsBridge editor and hosted it with them.

Did some research and chose PropellerAds instead of PopAds to start.

This is where it began...
For the offer i chose, the traffic was really expensive and almost nowhere to find more then 5k-10k impressions/day (specific carrier on 3g). Also the price was around $2 CPM. With 0,20 payout that seemed... Well, too much.

So i took another offer, that allowed WiFi traffic for all carriers and had a payout of $0,45

Day 1.
Started with 0,5 CPM, though it was almost lowest bid level with lowest amount of traffic available.
Test budget was $10/day.
Made it run for 1 day, got CTR around 1% and CR around 1/55 (every 55th click convert). Received 6 So epc was around $1 while 100 clicks on the other hand costed me $5.

Affiliate network data showed that my EPC is normal. So problem was my CTR (impressions to clicks).

Day 2.
First i tried to lower the bid. Made it $0,3 instead of $0,5. Propeller told me i will get zero traffic. Though in fact i got tons of traffic within 12 hours and 0 conversions.

Ok, i thought. maybe lower bid gave me really crappy traffic.
i topped the bid to $1,14 and let it run for another 12 hours.

Got around 200 clicks with 0 conversions. WTF?

So in the end my EPC dropped to $0,55 (which is still higher then offer payout = $0,45) and CR to 1/88 (every 88th click convert). I spent around

  • Did i made everything wrong with testing? (i chose 1 landing page that i supposed should convert instead of 3-4 landing pages)
  • Is it ok to change bid within 12-24 hours or did i messed everything up with too much changes within short amount of time? (heard you need to let it run for 2-3 days after changing anything)
  • What you recommend to increase CTR? I suggest if CR is ok, then landing is good. If CTR is not good, then probably problem is with traffic?
  • What other changes/tests you recommend?

If anyone interested, i can start a thread in "Affiliate Journeys", but i have no successes to share at the moment i am afraid))
Looks like also there was a problem with offer, and i was told by AM that i got better CR then average...

So i moved to another offer.

But here we go.
I tested another offer.
Got CR 1/11 and CTR (impressions to clicks) around 1,1% which is "normal" for the mainstream i was told.
BUT. with lowest Brazil traffic cost on PropellerAds = 0,5 (and i got very few impressions with this price) and very low payout of $0,22 i cant figure out how on earth i can be profitable, since even with my good conversion rates i still get -51% ROI.

Are tier 3 countries only good for testing in this case? And as soon as i discovered a successful working chain "landing+targeting, etc" i should move it to offer with high payout?

What i need to do in this case, pals?

Advice is more then welcomed!
Wow. 3 full days and not even one reply.
Though theme is quite detailed, full of data and serious questions.

Dont know why everyone ignored my plea for advice.
Wow. 3 full days and not even one reply.
Though theme is quite detailed, full of data and serious questions.

Dont know why everyone ignored my plea for advice.
I'm sorry but I don't have any experience with sweeps in tier 3 countries. But with a $0.22 payout I can imagine it would be very hard to get profitable.
It seems to me you don't have a good balance between your traffic costs and offer's payout. Try good converting offers with payout of $0.6-$1.5, you can find them at WapEmpire, for example ;)
So... i tried new, high payout offer for Italy (around $9).
Used same landing i used for Brazil, though with some small tweaks and professional translation of course.
Launched on PropellerAds.
And... for 36 hours i got 7k views with... 2 clicks! 2 clicks! WTF?
I can understand 0 conversions, its fine, its testing.
But 2 clicks for 7k views? How that could be? I checked on Adplexity - there are plenty of well-doing similar landing pages in Italy.

What conclusions i should make, guys?

  • Maybe PropellerAds gave me shitty traffic so CTR was almost 0 (though same concept gave CTR 1,1% in Brazil) and i need to try other traffic sources
  • Maybe Sweeps have 0 CTR in Italy (doubt that, cause plenty of sweeps landings in Italy according to Adplexity), so i made a mistake going there
Suggestions? Opinions?
Decided to continue with PropellerAds, and next day CTR become 0,35% (from 0,05%) but still 0 conversions.
Spent: $20 (offer payout: $9,6)
So far 0 conversions.

Also, lowest possible traffic price went up. From $1,15 to 1,79 so in the end i'm not even reaching daily cap ($12)

There was a recommendation to run test until you get 70-100 clicks. But is there any sense to run even a test campaign if you still get 0 conversions?
Offer was new, so there was no data on whether its good or not. Judging by target page, it should work ok.