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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Started this mad business 8 weeks ago


New Member
Hi everyone,

I have just joined this forum so be nice, i have been messing around with internet marketing for about 5 months, buying ebooks, doing a lot of reading, but nothing seemed to be going in, the e-books, assume that you have some basic knowledge of IM and in a lot of cases, you don't know the first thing about it.

Mainly I am concentrating on article marketing, writing articles, submitting to ezine as well as creating lenses at Squidoo and Hub.

If any of you have any advice, I would be grateful, I am a sponge at the moment on a mission, so any scraps would be good

Kind regards

Hi Peter,

So glad you are at the point where the light bulb is starting to turn on for you.
Be sure to read all the stickies in our newbie forum, some of the best advice around can be found there. Then work on finding a niche (NOT internet marketing, make money online etc.) Some good tools and resources for that in our niche marketing forum.

First step - stop trying to sell stuff to internet marketers when you don't have much experience as one (I am referring to your sig).

Choose what you know - fitness, insurance, business, travel - ie. something you are good at and know the "in crowd" vocabulary for. It will make your writing and selling a lot more genuine.
Read Read Read is all I can say! Everyone starts somewhere.

I see you are a Wealthy Affiliate member which is a pretty good place to start if you are just starting out.
HI to everyone

Patience + Hard work= Best Result

Maybe, your success is around you just little time and you'll Surprise.
You can try free CSS templates too , create unique content for good position in uncle Google ....
Correct me if I am wrong but it looks like your signature is pointing to an affiliate site and not your own site.

I was wondering if you have your own website. I think to be really successful in affiliate marketing, having your own homepage is important. You can then put an opt in form on that page and start building your own email list.

May I tell you not to be too dismayed at the apparent lack of progress so far. You may not be making money but you are certainly learning.

Also for now stop buying books, read and understand the content of the books you already have, look around this forum to fill in the blanks, implement what you have learned before buying any more books

You need to identify a niche you want to focus on. It would appear that you have chosen the affiliate marketing niche. It is potentially lucrative, but you need to know what you are talking about to make any headway in this niche

I suggest you identify a niche that you are familiar amd comfortable with first.

Build a blog on it, you can get a free blog at blogger, practice writing good content, driving traffic etc with it. Once you have learnt some techniques that work, you can then come back and make that your subniche in affiliate marketing

Also it takes time to build this business to the point where you start generating an income. But stick to it. Keep learning, keep implementing keep doing something EVERYDAY to take your business forwards

Good luck
Thanks for that,

just a side note, the sig is pointing to my site, I am interested to know why you thought is was not my site.

I think your right though about writing about a niche that interests me rather than afffiliate marketing, maybe my hard work will start to pay off, if i take that common sense approach.

Kind regards

"the sig is pointing to my site, I am interested to know why you thought it was not my site."

I assume it's because of the way the link looks. Some affiliate programs give you a link that
looks like or
so they may have thought /waland was your last name or a code word.
I think your right though about writing about a niche that interests me rather than afffiliate marketing

Hey Peter,

OK mate that statement is right and wrong!:D :mad: - lol
You should try and write for your niche. So in this post the example will be music! So you write a few articles on your blog, website, ezinearticles or some other place such as myspace. You must write good music articles that people will enjoy reading, this builds trust! Then you jump on somewhere like and find affiliate products to do with music.

Now you should write a few practice articles on your affilate product. There are a few ways you can go here.
You can write an honest review of the affiliate product and then post the affiliate link at the end of the article.
You can write about music and have your affilaite link posted at the end.
You can build an article up to the end and then have your link.
These are just a few ideas to get you thinking!

You can just affiliate market on youtube, metacafe and so forth doing video reviews of the product/services and so forth. You can make a funny video and then say at the end check the more info section - its suprising how many people do this.

Just make sure you have fun, forget for a minute about making money, use the knowledge you have about music and go from there. Then bring affiliate links in. Include links in your signature and so forth!

I hope you understand it can be difficult, but providing you work you will get there. Don't do it tomorrow, do it today and reap the benefits tomorrow! And don't be afraid to try new things! I wish you all the best in your attempts to make some money online!:D
I would get rid of that slide over "pop up" ad that greys out the background of the page and forces people to acknowledge it and then wants their e-mail address. Major turn off when entering a page. Just my two cents.

Also curious; why is your link exactly as the home page/URL?
Hi Shukes,

Since the link in your sig belong to you, you should focus all your effort to draw traffic to it and build your list.

If you are having problem converting visitors to list members, it might not be about your content and offer. It might because of the niche you are in, internet marketing. The niche is just too competitive and your visitors might think your offer is nothing special.

And I noticed you got a lot of "I" and "," on your page. Probably you should work on it and change the sentence. The other thing will be the gap in your opt-in form. Is a bit far. Can you do something with the script?

Do work on your domain name as well, it is quite confusing.

I am sorry if I offended you in anyway. Those are just my personal opinions.

Hope that helps. :D