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Well-Known Member
AffKit Ninja
Got a new business strategy
now working as affiliate
its my actual day job now
but --> not yet paid my target/required wage
so TRACKING my hours of actual work
using a stop clock
I consider work to be OUTPUT
learning & reading & forum & social media & entertaining & browsing & music & news
--> are all not output
output is creating something for customers/users or affiliate partners
so I stop the clock when doing entertainment things
trying to see how much actual OUTPUT
gets done over 12 hours
yesterday was 4 hours & 23 minutes
--> out of 12 hours
(got paid zero therefore my time is worth zero)
trying to improve on that TODAY
Like the concept of ROMI (return on marketing investment) there are many intangibles in our efforts.

As an example I was reading your post about a coupon (vouchers site you called it) and I had an epiphany about redeveloping a domain that I started in 2004 and discontinued in a year (but I kept the name (a good one)).

That time was 10 minutes then I deleted what I wrote when I got the epiphany and copied the post to development idea file.

So our time is not always wasted and reading and learning is 98% unless intake but it's that 2% that can make the difference.

I wasted 20 minutes being a form monkey for t-mobile setting up some new account stuff --that was 80% a waste of my time all of their bullshit verification codes. They have been hacked often so their security is BS anyway.
I like nap time best :p
I don't punch a clock ...
Time to me is a window ... a few hours or a few weeks ... or when I get around to it.
That's a great approach to track your work hours and focus on productive output. By prioritizing tasks that directly contribute to your business and affiliate partnerships, you can maximize your efficiency. Keep monitoring your progress and aiming to increase your productive output each day. Best of luck in achieving your target goals!
Well succesful people organize their time so you are on the right track
You need to be very focused on your work