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StumbleUpon is officially no more -- Who cares?


Well-Known Member
After 16 years online, StumbleUpon is officially no more

"According to co-founder Garrett Camp, the social sharing platform had 40 million users who contributed 60 billion "stumbles". It officially closed on 30th June. "

If you hosted your content on StumbleUpon it is gone.

This can and will continue to happen.

Can you duplicate and place your content on another site?

What happens if the website remains but your account is the one terminated? was big in its day so was Geocities :D
The Internet is paved with websites too big to fail ...
Others fail as the people move on to the newest *thing*
Actually, I didn't realize that SU was still alive. So, I don't think I'll miss it. :)
The owner created Mix as a replacement. You had two months to switch from SU to Mix if you wanted.

I did use SU now and then. It was an incredible way to find information about any topic I wanted. That was great for link-building and writing for SEO purposes. I hope Mix allows some of the same as well. I haven't checked it in detail yet.
Yeah i also listen and check, Stumble upon is no more for next. It was my favorite site for work. But now stumble upon is replace with Mix and it's slimier to stumble upon. You must try this site.
Looks like it's a start-over: