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AI Prompts Suggested AI Prompts

AI Prompts
Using AI to talk to AI --sounds like a feedback loop to me ... nothing to gain really.

Most likely if you cannot create a logical request you might as well become a plumber or some other human intensive occupation. The exception might be those whose language limitations may not sync with the corpus of data that the version of the AI they are using has been trained on.
I actually use ChatGPT to generate prompts for me. I use to generate prompts for Dall-e and reusable prompts for example to create articles. Creating a good prompt is also a text-based creative process, so why wouldn't ChatGPT be helpful here? Especially when you make it ask question, it makes me help include all necessary information in my final prompts.

For example:
Generate a prompt for Dall-e to generate a image about [what you want to generate]. Ask questions to obtain all information needed to generate a good prompt.


Generate a reusable prompt that I can use for ChatGPT to write articles for my blog/website. Specify any variable inputs like subject or keywords within brackets like [subject] or [keywords]. Ask questions to obtain any general information about the website that can be reused in each prompt.