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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Sweepstakes Incent CPA/CPI


New Member
Hello everyone.

I am very new to everything, so I'm sorry if the answer is quite obvious or has been mentioned here somewhere.


I have a decently sized FB page and was wondering: would it be possible to create a giveaway/sweepstakes with one of the requiremets of entry being downloading an app (CPI offer) or something similar (a simple CPA offer)?

Thanks guys.
Hello everyone.

I am very new to everything, so I'm sorry if the answer is quite obvious or has been mentioned here somewhere.


I have a decently sized FB page and was wondering: would it be possible to create a giveaway/sweepstakes with one of the requiremets of entry being downloading an app (CPI offer) or something similar (a simple CPA offer)?

Thanks guys.
hello buddy, just to make sure i do understand what you are asking exactly, is it that you are trying to know whether you can use your Facebook account to promote some sweepstakes offers? If yes then i can tell you yes, but you should take some few things in consideration, to avoid issues with Facebook, and run your campaign well!
Thank you for your answer.
My question was mainly about whether affiliate networks would allow this. For example, CPAlead don't allow this, but I am not sure, whether it applies for all networks and therefore whether I should continue searching for one that allows it.