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Sweepstakes Offer + ProPush Tag: An Easy Way to Get Extra 30% to Your Profit [Case Study]

Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager
PropellerAds Multisource advertising platform
Zeydoo — Earn with Push Subscriptions
Our partner is a media buying company focused on SOI (single opt-in) leads. Here are the offer details:
  • Offer: Sweepstake Gift Card
  • Vertical: Sweepstakes
  • Flow type: SOI
Pricing model ( side): RevShare (СPM)

Our partner also used a pre-landing page with a survey. The Tag was installed right to this page, take a look:


As you can see, there is an opt-in window out there and this is exactly the way the Smart Tag works. Users can subscribe for push notifications if they want to and this will bring additional income to your main offer. If they refuse, well, nothing really happens – people will continue interacting with your pages, that’s all.

So, our partner just added the Smart Tag to the landing page of the offer. Sweepstakes offers don’t require any specific Smart Tag settings – you just put the Tag code to the body of your landing page, as high as you can. The service worker file (the one responsible for push notifications delivery) should be placed to the landing’s root directory. Here:


Traffic details​

And now let’s talk about specifics of traffic purchased at PropellerAds and used for the main Sweepstakes offer:
  • Period: 05/11/2021 – 05/12/2021
  • Format: Popunder
  • GEOs: Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Ecuador, Mexico
  • Platforms: Android – 54%, Windows – 21%, MacOS – 9%
  • Budget: $700-$2000 daily
Our partner preferred Popunder, since this format is the most suitable one for his business model that entails significant lead volumes.
Finally, we moved to statistics, and here are our partner’s traffic and GEO spends in his PropellerAds advertiser account:


And now let’s take a look at the additional income from the Tag for the same GEOs and during the same period:


The average income from the Smart Tag was $300-$500 daily. Sometimes, revenue from the Tag covered 50% of the traffic cost.

Summing up

In general, our partner has spent $37 210 to buy traffic at PropellerAds for his Sweepstakes offer.

The Smart Tag brought $11 114 of additional income for the same traffic during the same period, which makes about 30% of the traffic cost.

Additional monetization with push subscriptions suits almost any vertical, but it is especially winning for Sweepstakes offers because of their simple flow. Users don’t experience any difficulties when interacting with your offer – an opt-in window is non-invasive and does not interrupt their browsing anyhow.
