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Sweepstakes Popunder


New Member
Hi all,
I recently started to promote sweepstakes popunder ads in tier 3 countries, after a few tests i found a converting offer with 100% ROI but when started scaling ROI became negative. The country was Malaysia and the traffic source was propeller ads.
What is your way to scale and stay positive?

Thanks in advance!!!
Only buy the good ads :p Ad quality does not scale with ad quantity necessarily.

If you throw horseshit against the barn wall only the freshest horseshit will stick to the wall --same principle: find more good horseshit.

Another thing to consider is ad blindness: "I have seen this ad before I wont click on it"

Use ad rotation to improve scaling
Use other ad sources
Use other GEOs with similar attributes.
Hi all,
I recently started to promote sweepstakes popunder ads in tier 3 countries, after a few tests i found a converting offer with 100% ROI but when started scaling ROI became negative. The country was Malaysia and the traffic source was propeller ads.
What is your way to scale and stay positive?

Thanks in advance!!!
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Only buy the good ads :p Ad quality does not scale with ad quantity necessarily.

If you throw horseshit against the barn wall only the freshest horseshit will stick to the wall --same principle: find more good horseshit.

Another thing to consider is ad blindness: "I have seen this ad before I wont click on it"

Use ad rotation to improve scaling
Use other ad sources
Use other GEOs with similar attributes.

Only buy the good ads :p Ad quality does not scale with ad quantity necessarily.

If you throw horseshit against the barn wall only the freshest horseshit will stick to the wall --same principle: find more good horseshit.

Another thing to consider is ad blindness: "I have seen this ad before I wont click on it"

Use ad rotation to improve scaling
Use other ad sources
Use other GEOs with similar attributes.
Thanks for the feedback.

My scaling strategy was to target only the converting zones from the test phase, they ended up having a high cpm and stopped converting can you suggest a better way to scale?
What's in a 'zone'? The domain and what traffic they have? If that zone has a good repeat audience you may have already caught all the fish in that pond to be caught, maybe there will be a few laggards that were on 'vacation' ...

With Sweepstakes you are literally looking for suckers ... you need to cast a wider net --IDK about the above offer of a 'social media bar' that might be a possible. Widen the GEO area to other 3rd tier where language will work and the offer accepts the county's traffic perhaps.