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Taboola Campaign Suddenly Dried-Up!


New Member
Hi, I was hoping if you can HELP me.

Two weeks ago I ran a campaign on Taboola that did well during the first 3 days. However, just like that, it just dried up. Both the number of Impressions and Clicks slow-downed completely. Is the normal?

Any ideas what could have gone wrong? Why the sudden cliff-dive after 3 days?

I really look forward to you sharing your thoughts and knowledge.


P.S. Any suggestions on a good Traffic Source for SOI campaigns??
In a perfect world :eek:
  1. Your ad should be on a website with 70% NEW visitors
  2. Your ad be on a website with a time on page of over 00:00:20
  3. The page depth of the average visitor is over 1
People may have already seen your ad and are no longer interested in it.

You need turnover of new people on a website to get conversion clicks.
If you are after branding and name recognition using creatives then it's is another story and game plan.

Your points are valid. I hadn't really stop to consider that perhaps Native is not the best for Lead Generation.

What traffic provider would you recommend for Lead Generation?

Thanks for the feedback! I hope to pay it forward!

I hadn't really stop to consider that perhaps Native is not the best for Lead Generation.

B2B or B2C lead gen?

Native works well for most anything. It's just that you often need to create your own high quality and highly niche specific native content for the native ad. When looking at the various means by which to deliver angles, hooks, and triggers, the copy must be properly customized to the type of ad. In addition, while PPC is considered the all powerful and fastest method for developing good quality leads, PPC is more effective on B2C with a lander than B2B. B2B is generally highly dependent on more of a content driven model, like a small niche forum or blog. My friend is always developing a sizable volume of leads for vendors catering to the dental community through his very highly specific dental forum targeted at restoration dentists. His advertisers cater to that group. He also utilizes his own native ads placed on two part landers that generate signups to his forum. All his social channels, and their funnels, target both.

It's all about funnels and destination and they must be completely customized to the specified target audience.

What traffic provider would you recommend for Lead Generation?

Use social channels, use more than one. For B2B, combine a professional FB page and a YT account, quarterly or monthly webinars with your advertisers (they will jump at the chance!), and product videos (get and use both a YT and a Vimeo account). Also, look for ways to become an integral poster on others blogs and forums in the niche. Build a brand for your B2B community.

For B2C, well, the traditional traffic sources for paid traffic are full of marketers driving up costs. So, be sure to utilize a well known successful and reliable traffic source that you can test the hell out of to figure out the formulas for day parting, source blocking, demographics, and geos. The thing is, most are afraid of the sizable investment required when using a premium traffic source, just to get the test campaign dialed in. The other side of the coin is, when you figure it out, you can scale it with no glass ceiling!

No matter what you choose among all of these requirements and options, it is important to remember you are going to invest before you see a dime come back. Especially when running 3 to 5 versions of creatives, angles, hooks, and triggers on several different traffic platforms.

Master one traffic source at a time. Do not look for greener grass!

Now, to shorten all of this, and to copy others (which is a big part of the industry), get your account going at a highly reputable intelligence platform. Find winning campaigns, note their traffic sources, download or re-create (but modify) their landers and/or sites, then launch at least three versions of the funnel(s), angles, hooks, and triggers. You will find a longer success rate for conversions this way.

Once you master this, and have been more than knee deep in succeeding with it, you will have gained enough knowledge to start creating your own unique marketing ideas, landers, and sites, etc.
^^If you are after branding and name recognition using creatives then it's is another story and game plan.

B2B is more in that category I think. Branding, name recognition and reputation management -- building credibility.

Dentists are licensed by the state and the states maintain registries of licensed persons that are open to public inspection -- so there is a lead source by state with names, addresses and often business telephone numbers. Direct mail works I get it all the time ;)

I get B2B follow ups from requests for PDFs, whitepapers and offers of webinars (or recorded past webinars) that I get newsletters promoting, offerings (prospecting) by B2B vendors -- in this case the internet is used as a sales funnel and filter.