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Official Tapit [Deleted]

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New Member
Integrated Mobile Advertising Platform

TapIt by Phunware makes it easier for you to monetize your mobile users. Through our integrated mobile advertising platform, we serve the needs of advertisers, developers, and publishers in one place. With technologies like Real-Time Bidding (RTB) Marketplace, MobileAdServer and HyperLocal Targeting, we connect brands to 30,000+ active publishers and serve over 6 billion impressions per month.


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Was with Tapit before the takeover and loved it - great traffic and great AM's - haven't tried since but will get back to it soon.
A lot of us traffice of this platform, but Satellite Provider a lot, can't block! No one reply of the email, I have stopped now
martyb updated Tapit with a new update entry:


Integrated Mobile Advertising Platform

TapIt by Phunware makes it easier for you to monetize your mobile users. Through our integrated mobile advertising platform, we serve the needs of advertisers, developers, and publishers in one place. With technologies like Real-Time Bidding (RTB) Marketplace, MobileAdServer and HyperLocal Targeting, we connect brands to 30,000+ active publishers and serve over 6 billion impressions per month.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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