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Targeting On Facebook

Mark Newman

New Member
Hi dear members!
Since I'm new here and kind of new at marketing I have question regarding targeting on FB;

I know FB won't give anymore the option to target by ethnicity but I'm sure there are options to do that indirectly and need some "tips" from people that have more experience than I have.

for example (when targeting South African people) targeting only local South Africans and not ones who emigrate there.

anyone please?
That has nothing to do with ethnicity.
Maybe, a Ugandan or and Indian migrated to South Africa?

Explain why and what you need that data and what you will do with it.
Im trying to do that in South Africa by tricky ways and indirectly.
I know it is possible since many affiliates do the same and I’m looking for those tips.
Any suggestions?
Then that is racial targeting and I cannot help you with that.

You can do that by locale possibly -- areas of minority concentration using government census data. Not using Facebook.

Racial profiling is illegal in the USA --Facebook recently deleted that profiling otherwise they were going to get sued and possibly have the US government start an investigation under the Civil Rights Act.

Lenders (like payday loans and high-risk (high interest rate) auto loans) were targeting minorities as *poor* people with exploitative predatory loan practices << that is the reason why.
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Tried to make it out with targeting high-income professions and it is good but not as sharp as I looked for.
already read on WiKi where are the biggest numbers of population of those people that I look for and also targeted by spoken language - English.

other tools that can help to make it sharper?
I Know that but worked with many affiliates that passed that ban by using tricky ways to prevent (for example) black people to see their ads.

Hey there

For facebook ads, yeah since you cannot directly target by racial affinity anymore, you can do it with other sneaky ways. the best way is to do exclusions.

For example, on one of my SaaS sites, it attracted a lot of "Soundcloud rapper types" who were almost always tire kickers and did not convert well, so we excluded people who liked Soundcloud. I get this won't cover any racial ground, but it helps to weed out a big chunk of poor quality customers.

Another thing you can do, is find out what things South African that blacks LIKE, and exclude those interests, job titles, behaviors, etc from FB Targeting.

I don't know about the culture in SA, but in the USA, it's safe to say that "Tyler Perry" (who is a film producer who makes movies for a primarily African-American audience), would be a good exclusion to add to our USA audience.

The key is finding that interest that makes up a large portion of that audience you're looking to weed out or filter in
Hey there

For facebook ads, yeah since you cannot directly target by racial affinity anymore, you can do it with other sneaky ways. the best way is to do exclusions.

For example, on one of my SaaS sites, it attracted a lot of "Soundcloud rapper types" who were almost always tire kickers and did not convert well, so we excluded people who liked Soundcloud. I get this won't cover any racial ground, but it helps to weed out a big chunk of poor quality customers.

Another thing you can do, is find out what things South African that blacks LIKE, and exclude those interests, job titles, behaviors, etc from FB Targeting.

I don't know about the culture in SA, but in the USA, it's safe to say that "Tyler Perry" (who is a film producer who makes movies for a primarily African-American audience), would be a good exclusion to add to our USA audience.

The key is finding that interest that makes up a large portion of that audience you're looking to weed out or filter in

This guy knows what he's talking about ;)
thank you very much, you helped me a lot!!
still trying to find that word that the Black SA connected to in order to exclude them....