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Case Study Tested gateway to Popunder profit! $665 lazy monthly gain with Survey & Sweepstakes offers

Galaksion Ad Network

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Galaksion Advertising Network

We know the endless trial & effort when it comes to finding an actual profit-driving bundle. That’s why we’ve taken it upon ourselves to provide you with a ready-to-use solution for all your Popunder needs! We’ve got you covered with a reliable ecosystem of Zeydoo offers that can engage your audience and significantly increase chances for better conversion rates. Just combine them with Galaksion's sweet direct traffic and enjoy the ROI flow! You’d love that, right?

Your favorite power couple = Galaksion Popunder + Zeydoo Surveys & Sweepstakes​

We couldn’t be more excited to once again partner up with Zeydoo! Zeydoo’s media buyers share our love of maximum security and ensure near-instant feedback to the high-quality offers. As an affiliate network that matches our 10 years of experience & expertise, we trust them to provide products that fit Galaksion’s direct traffic perfectly.

As you can see, Galaksion and Zeydoo are soulmates! And we work especially great together when it comes to a combination of CPL Surveys & SOI Sweepstakes Offers from Zeydoo and Galaksion’s Popunder traffic.

Let’s go over the case details that will surely make you hop on the opportunity:

Traffic source: Galaksion
Ad format: Popunder
Bidding model: CPM
Zeydoo offers:

Period: 10.02.2024–10.03.2024
Targeting: Mobile, Android (8 and higher); WW GEOs

Now let’s talk numbers:

Spend: $1618
Revenue: $2284
Profit: $665
ROI: 41%

This bundle is an arrangement reeeally worth trying out! We and Zeydoo’s media buyers have handled the hard part and tested it all out just for you. Now you can enjoy the easy monthly profit thanks to our adventurous hypothesis & detailed settings!

Zeydoo’s internal kitchen: How is Rewardis different from CPL Survey Offers?​

The “Rewardis” part of the Multigeo Samsung A53 offer might have caused some confusion for regular Sweepstakes fans. What exactly does Zeydoo bring to the table with this platform-exclusive distinction?


As we know, common Sweepstakes offers focus on a specific contest. They lock users in for this exact activity, and the flow is finished once said activity is over. Rewardis, on the other hand, is a next-level step when it comes to SOI Sweepstakes collections.

Rewardis encourages visitors to register and take part in all kinds of ROI-driving tasks. The users are now hooked on the contest fever and can compete with each other in the ranking! All with in-house offers provided by Zeydoo. And we are definitely on board!

Survey Offers

A quick way to bring in those sweet conversions is a short & captivating Zeydoo Survey. These offers are based on the CPL (cost-per-lead) model and easily engage the visitors to participate. Typically, they consist of a couple of questions and capture the users’ attention with their favorite topics, such as Social, Finance, Sweepstakes, or iGaming.

Soon enough, Zeydoo’s team will also present their brand-new creatives for the Samsung A55 prize on the Rewardis platform! They will work great if your goal is to attract the users to the Member Area.

Now that it’s clear, let’s go back to the case itself and talk about how we made it all work.

Rewardis SOI Sweep Offers: What Makes a Converting Landing?​

Just like us, Zeydoo believes in the power of a good and tested creative. Your landing page has to convey a clear & compelling message so that your campaign is effective! Here are the examples from Zeydoo:



What makes a great creative that drives users to convert?
  • Attention to detail — the information provided has to be precise, reliable, and relevant to the users when it comes to the number of winners, country, and date.

Check out one of Zeydoo’s landing pages that asks the users about their gender. Easy, absolutely clickable, with great flow ensured!

  • Vivid visuals speak so much louder than words! Help your visitors visualize their wish with a simple yet effective illustration so that they can almost feel the prize at their fingertips.
  • Urgence-driven impulse to make a decision — without making it too uncomfortable for the users, putting a good old timer on the landing page is a classic way to make your audience act now.

These are the golden rules that don’t get old. Put them to use & benefit from the classics!

Refining the Campaign Settings to Perfection​

Let’s talk about Zeydoo’s main campaign strategy!
Most importantly, the media buyers took it slow. The rate set in the beginning was minimal, with the goal of increasing it gradually. They took their time to blacklist the ineffective zones, however, they also brought back the GEOs that performed well in them. All of that played into the hands of Zeydoo’s media buyers for better optimization!

And Zeydoo shared the profit-driving campaign settings with us.

  • Targeting + the blacklist


  • GEOs + traffic prices at the start of the campaign


According to Zeydoo, the profitability of the GEO varied. The ROI parameter was the basis for the blacklisting: the media buyers switched off the zones with negative results as soon as they had been detected.

Although Zeydoo couldn’t show the company’s IDs for confidentiality reasons, you can find the statistics and revenue for the three offers below: Captcha Survey, Rewardis Multigeo Samsung A53 Sweepstake, and Sweep Survey for Android.

1 — Offer 3934;
2 — Offer 10118;
3 — Offer 2755.


And now, to the list of GEOs that were successful for all three offers.


An ultimate tip from Zeydoo media buyers: NG and ZA are especially recommended for Rewardis offers. As you can see from the screenshots, African GEOs are great for Sweepstakes. Zeydoo also encourages you to pay attention to ID and BR!

And the negative ROI GEOs:


Some Final Words​

Now that Zeydoo has shared their tricks, let’s summarize the tips once again!

  • Focus on GEOs with the highest ROI & increase the CPM gradually;
  • Monitor the campaign zones to detect the non-profitable ones. This is especially relevant for WW GEOs;
  • Make use of profitable GEOs even if the zone is on the blacklist. If that’s not the case, grow volumes by increasing the CPM and keep the global blacklist.

Now you are all set! Take advantage of Galaksion case study with Zeydoo and make the most of our Popunder traffic.

Of course, as a generous power couple, we will ease your way in with bonuses:

Go to your manager to activate the +33$ promo code from ZeydooZEYDOO33
Sign up to Galaksion with a 15% bonus on your first deposit — ZEYDOO15

Hop on your new favorite collaboration now!