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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“Adavice”/  “CPA

The general thread

HAHAH I will post at your funeral :p

You have like a 1/3 of your AF postcount here already :eek:

The Hazey spirit is defiantly here :D

Well I know you all already and you'd be perfect for the job. I will be PM'ing those who said they were interested over the weekend to discuss positions :)
Hold up, you think you guys can make a lot of posts then just wait for tomorrow and yes I would say the hazey spirit is almost here.

And I agree with the if AF staff get staff position

@Shady Woot.

Anyway im off now.
Like on the old TH where the service forums were using a different layout to all the rest.
<xen:if is="in_array({$forum.node_id}, array(8))">
whatever content this is

change the 8 to the forum id