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The Humble speaks

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New Member
Hey Guys,
My name is Aaron, obviously.

I work for a startup named MemoryTag, where using our technology, you can throw a video on ANYTHING.

I am 20, privileged, but humble and in need of answers to the astounding number of questions that flow thru my head.

I saw you guys thru lukepeerfly, while researching lazyassstoner, he's a damn smart dude, and I like the things he talks about. So from there and those places, here I am. Paid my 147$, and now ready to learn things that would blow peoples' minds.

I look forward to getting to know everyone here, and to further myself in my learning.

Welcome Aaron,

You will find great information and connections here.
that MemoryTag is a pretty cool idea too btw.
Thank you Sir!
Much appreciated, I am kinda just wondering where to start at the moment, it is semi-stimulation overload.

I like what's going on, I am just not 110% sure what exactly goes on here. But I see that it is a very good way to go.

I just gotta understand it.

Thanks for the response Nick!
You are doing the right thing already, go through the forum and check stuff out.

There are newbie guides, sections for all types of marketing, and a whole list of resources.
If there is anything you don't get just ask in the post you are reading or start your own in a relevant section of the forum.

I guess the first thing you have to find out is what you want to achieve by being here. Are you looking for ways to market the company you work for or do you want to also do affiliate marketing on the side? If so for what niche? What are your strong points already and how can you use them to your advantage in affiliate marketing?

The thing that keeps a lot of people stuck it too many ideas. everything sounds like it will work and you want to try all of these different methods. However that makes it hard to perfect (or greatly improve)one area.
Very good point, my friend.

I want to essentially just understand what exactly this is (like kindergarten understanding of what affiliate marketing is), and from there, understand how I can use it, or if not for this business then for a business I would run and maintain myself.

I hope that makes sense. I like the community already, seems like a big book I opened up, joining here, and the dojo, but... how do you read a book? One page at a time, so that is my plan.
Hey Guys, My name is Aaron, obviously.

Hello @AarontheHumble , welcome to the AffiliateFix and the Dojo! It's great to have you here.

I work for a startup named MemoryTag, where using our technology, you can throw a video on ANYTHING.
Sounds like a great technology that will come in useful for your endeavors and maybe your new fellow members.

I am 20, privileged, but humble and in need of answers to the astounding number of questions that flow thru my head.

Yeah, it's a big and broad industry as far as opportunities go. It's a small industry when it come to the players sometimes.

So, I recommend you stay away from settling into the mindset of "information overload". As you say, you have an astounding number of questions, let them lead you and not hold you down. Info overload does not really exist, it's been an industry excuse for those that haven't developed an understanding that it's actually just the onset of an abundance of information that needs to be organized for oneself. It's like walking into a library for the first time, one should feel joy and the prospect of enlightenment with all of the information in front of them.

I saw you guys thru lukepeerfly, while researching lazyassstoner, he's a damn smart dude, and I like the things he talks about. So from there and those places, here I am. Paid my 147$, and now ready to learn things that would blow peoples' minds.

Great guys and both with a presence here in the community.

I look forward to getting to know everyone here, and to further myself in my learning.

We look forward to your posts and threads. Post often, ask loads of questions, contribute where you are able, and the rest will come together for you pretty quick.

You are a FIX'er now and that means you have the world at your feet with IM. Here are a few suggestions:

Learn through extensive reading in this community. Select one vertical. one tracker, and one traffic source. Learn from your fellow members here to master each one of them (a couple of months). Then you can expand and replicate your successes.

As a Newbie, you need to read, study, invest, and implement. Perseverance, dedication, and taking action are the cornerstones of the success you will obtain.

Read through the various areas of the forum to learn about the types of marketing available for your new business. Make a list of all the types of marketing and take some notes along the way. Then determine which area of marketing with which you will start your journey.

Do this to select an area of marketing to start, as well, do this to select a tracker, a traffic source, and to select a vertical.

Then read up on the affiliate networks and select two to begin with that will serve your needs and the types of offers you would like to promote. Put your application in and they will call you for an interview. Be professional and be prepared to answer some questions about how you will promote offers, do you have a website, are you a Newbie, etc. Please note, if you join the Dojo, we have a thread there that can offer assistance in getting accepted to some of the networks.

Now that you have selected a basis to begin, read all of the threads in this forum that relate to your initial selections so that you have a rudimentary understanding of their features and benefits.

You will require some investment. A VPS server, domains, traffic, landing pages, etc. You will need a budget for daily, weekly, and monthly expenses. This will change over time and you will need to update it often so that you know exactly what your costs and earnings are.

This is where it all starts to earn. You must now begin to implement what you have established as your foundation for your business.

Here is some advice and guidance that will help you establish your initial goals:

Make sure you complete the following first.

Every business needs:

1. a plan
2. a schedule for research, learning, and execution
3. a budget.

Remember to read through our WIKI and get to know the basics as well as some of the buzz words in the industry.

I also recommend reading the following thread:

As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

Here is a set of immediate goals:

1. Get a VPS
2. Select a vertical
3. Select a tracker
4. Select a couple of networks and get your approval
5. Select a traffic source
6. Create a schedule for researching, learning (training), and working. This is a business, treat it as such!
7. Create a budget for every expense (daily, weekly, monthly)
8. Be very active in this forum by researching, asking questions, helping others when you are able.

As well, I highly recommend you join the DOJO as it is full of great tools and contributions for successful marketers. Click the banner below to learn more.

Remember This! : Nothing has to be perfect before you start. Read & study, but invest and implement at the same time. You cannot learn all of it from reading and studying. A great deal of your learning comes from implementing!

Good Luck!

Great stuff!

Welcome to Affiliate Fix, man. You're off to a great start here, looking forward to seeing you around,
Thank you guys uber mucho!

TJ, I woulda clicked your link to join the dojo, but I signed up before I even created a username on this site.

Thank you for the information provided, I will do as such and listen and follow as close as I can to that, and from there do my best to start doing. Rather than thinking about or "trying."

Just doing has always been the hardest thing for me.
Thanks guys, Talk very soon!:)