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The *KING* of MMO

What AI can do with the words of Joe Karbo ;)
+ a lot of human edits :p
Welcome to 2022 :D


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One of the best copywriters of the 20th century

I would add that Dan Kennedy, David Ogilvy, Claude Hopkins, Drayton Bird, Eugene Schwartz, Clayton Makepeace, Gary Halbert and Joe Coleman.

What AI can do with the words of Joe Karbo ;)
+ a lot of human edits :p
Welcome to 2022 :D

It is a growing area of success, but I haven't found a comfort zone with AI just yet. I love looking at all of the AI accomplishments, but just don't see an entry point for me and my team just yet. My team is extremely apprehensive with AI at this time, they are currently "dug in" with "human design" and execution.

I'm keeping my options open for AI more and more everyday (shhhh, don't tell my team), but am convinced human proofing will always be required in my lifetime.
Any of them do MMO?

Well, I was responding to the part where you pointed out; "One of the best copywriters". Dan Kennedy was around the same time and success as Karbo and David Olgilvy was before them both. Karbo was a headline and paper guy like Kennedy, Ogilvy (Sell the Sizzle, Not the Steak!" was both tv and paper.

As for MMO, Frank Kern was the first marketer online I think, aside from porn being offered through the bulletin boards extensively prior to the net as we knew it then. He had the original "Train Your Parrot" eBook and sold a million in less than a week circa '96 '97. Then replicated these in '98 '99 with dogs. He then, in 2000 & 2001 turned around and sold the eBook "How to make $115,000" as part of his new “Instant Internet Empires” for which he was indicted and convicted by the FTC. Lost every penney he had made in the previousn years when that happened. It was after that he rose to form "The Syndicate", and the "Core Influence", and on and on....