There are some people in this world who are so mean that they must take a lot of mean pills each day. They don't care about anyone or anything. They only care about themselves.
Then there are some people in this world who do have compassion. They have feelings for others. They are willing to and wanting to do nice things for other people.
The sad thing is that so often it is the bad people of this world who get so much attention in the news. Often very little is said about the good people who do their part to make this a better place and who do what they can to help others.
I won't tell you anything about this video. If you have a heart, this will give you good feeling. It is great to see what a difference a person can make for others when they can and when they are willing to make a difference.
Here is that video. I hope you will watch it Video - Breaking News Videos from
Sometimes there is a commercial prior to the news story and other times there is not.
Then there are some people in this world who do have compassion. They have feelings for others. They are willing to and wanting to do nice things for other people.
The sad thing is that so often it is the bad people of this world who get so much attention in the news. Often very little is said about the good people who do their part to make this a better place and who do what they can to help others.
I won't tell you anything about this video. If you have a heart, this will give you good feeling. It is great to see what a difference a person can make for others when they can and when they are willing to make a difference.
Here is that video. I hope you will watch it Video - Breaking News Videos from
Sometimes there is a commercial prior to the news story and other times there is not.