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THREAD CLOSED - OP Refused Settlement Offered by Ogads

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So before running traffic on OGads I did do some reading about them and they seemed legit enough. But as anyone who's been ripped off by a CPA company before knows, sometimes if a scamp CPA company thinks they can get away with it and no longer has a use for you, they will steal your money.

I believe that's what happened to me, I got s*****d by

For the last 2 or so months I have been running my expired domain, and typein domain traffic with Ogads, this is the same traffic I have been using on and for about 2 years now with NO PROBLEMS EVER and full payments always.

I ran this traffic on Ogads as a test at first, it was earning me daily about the same as it did on those other networks, but I decided to let it run on Ogads so I could reach my minimum payment threshold and collect my payment, which had reached close to $400 and was due in 6 days from now.

Now, about a week ago, I got told by my AM that the smartlinks are no longer offered on Ogads. I stopped sending any traffic to Ogads.

Yesterday I asked my AM if I could direct link to an offer that seemed to be where most of my conversions were coming from. He told me no I can't direct link to it, and not to setup a content locker with only that offer or I would be banned.

I said ok no problem and didn't setup any offers and still didn't send any traffic to Ogads.

The offer that the smartlinks was redirecting all my, very valuable, USA/CA Mac Desktop Traffic to was one called something like "Hotspot Shiled Mac Trial" I had no control over what traffic was being sent to this offer, the smartlink automatically sent all my USA and CA Mac Traffic to it.

The next day, I try to login to my account and it says banned. I contact my AM on Skype, and he made 3 different excuses (All False) of why I got banned and not paid, and then he blocked me. Here is the full conversation, you can see for yourself how unprofessional, immature, and fra*****nt is.

TrailBlazer, 8:10 PM
Hi Dee, I have a question

live:dee_ogads, 8:13 PM

TrailBlazer, 8:13 PM
I tried to login to my account today and it says i'm banned, can you tell me the reason?

live:dee_ogads, 8:13 PM

TrailBlazer, 8:14 PM
what fraud, there was 0 fraud

live:dee_ogads, 8:14 PM
no idea i dont deal with that

TrailBlazer, 8:14 PM
all I did was run a smartlink with legitimate traffic, there was 0 fraud whatsoever

live:dee_ogads, 8:14 PM
cpc offer

TrailBlazer, 8:14 PM
who can I talk to then?
I have ran this same traffic with and for over two years now, no problem ever

live:dee_ogads, 8:15 PM
you got banned for direct linkin to cpc offer

TrailBlazer, 8:15 PM
no I didn't, I haven't sent ANY traffic since the smartlink was removed
0 traffic

live:dee_ogads, 8:15 PM

TrailBlazer, 8:16 PM
*edit out email*
all I did was run the smartlinks for about 2 months, when they went away, I didn't send any traffic
all of my traffic went to offers on the smartlink, I never selected any offers for traffic to go to

live:dee_ogads, 8:17 PM
you got banned for using smart link with the vpn offer
thats it

TrailBlazer, 8:17 PM
wait what, I didn't put that offer there
I had no choice in where the traffic went, why did I get banned for something I had no control over?

As you can see, he first claimed "f***d" with 0 explanation, when I pushed him further, he claimed I "direct linked a cpc offer" that's a complete lie, the only traffic I EVER ran on Ogads was their smartlinks. The smartlinks automatically selected the offers for my traffic. When the smartlinks went down I ran 0 traffic to the

When I pushed him even more, he asked for my account email (apparently he made the first two excuses why ogads sc****d me without even looking into my account) after I gave him my email, he states I got "banned for using the smartlink with the VPN offer"

What the HELL is that supposed to mean? I got banned for running a smartlink that his network setup with offers, and me doing absolutely nothing but running very good traffic to it?

I am beyond pissed right now, i'm LIVID, I wasted two months of traffic with this network Ogads, just to get scammed and then lied to about why the hell they stole my money!

Avoid Ogads at all costs, if they think they can no longer use you, like they did to me because I stopped sending them traffic, apparently, they will steal all your money and find any excuse in the book to claim you did something wrong. They will then block you on skype and give you no form of recourse. Read the skype log above, do you really want to put your trust into a company that has AMs that respond like Dee did?

I'm not done here, i'm going to post my story about these s***m artists on every affiliate marketing forum known to man, and every affiliate review site possible. On the forums that allow it, i'll PM members who use Ogads and link them to my story. I won't rest until they pay for this.
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Spread your story till they reply man, if I knew the dudes at the top well enough I would forward this to them. It sucks to get screwed.
Spread your story till they reply man, if I knew the dudes at the top well enough I would forward this to them. It sucks to get screwed.

Yea it does suck, especially when the company is supposedly supposed to be "reputable" as you can see by the way the AM spoke with me on skype and then blocked me after ste****g my money, that they are anything but reputable.

They ripoff people of their livelihoods with not a single sign of guilt or remorse. Just throw out the label "f***d" and block them when they want a real answer. To them all the hard work, effort, commitment and time I put into obtaining and optimizing my traffic means nothing. They somehow think I did it so that I could earn THEM free money.

Well Og Ads I didn't work hard for hundreds of hours so you can st**l my money for no damn reason at all. And if you think the nearly $400 you stole from me was worth it, you will regret it. If I am not made right by what your company did, my spreading awareness to every single corner on the internet where the name ogads is mentioned, about how I got sca***d, will end up costing ALOT more than the money you stole.

You will lose profits from current Affiliates who I will make sure will leave, and future ones who will never signup because they don't want to be s****ed.

You will be held accountable for your theft if its the last thing I ever do.
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@ogads must be scared to stand up to 'f***d' which is weird. If they banned a person legitimately i don't see the issue with backing it up. I am sorry for your loss, but you can't never be 100% with networks even with good rumor behind them. So i hope you get your money or can write it off as a small loss and continue with a better network!
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Oh wow, that's insane!

I've used ogads for a while with no problems (not anymore though), so when I first seen this thread I was a bit skeptical.

Reading through it all, you are absolutely right. You should be receiving everything you earned there and as for the AM it's kind of a joke how immature/rude he/she is!

When I pushed him even more, he asked for my account email (apparently he made the first two excuses why ogads sc****d me without even looking into my account)
100% True what you said right there, he didn't even know who you were. But maybe he said f***d as that's the reason for all bans. But still, his response was rude and not professional at all.

There are no words for how unfair this situation is, if their smartlink went to that offer, that's their fault for adding it in with the other offers in the smartlink, shouldn't mean you're penalized for it.

Yes you can direct link (not sure about cpc offers though) But any other offer you can as I've done it in the past, and actually been given them in the past.

Hope you get this resolved!
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Oh wow, that's insane!

I've used ogads for a while with no problems (not anymore though), so when I first seen this thread I was a bit skeptical.

Reading through it all, you are absolutely right. You should be receiving everything you earned there and as for the AM it's kind of a joke how immature/rude he/she is!

100% True what you said right there, he didn't even know who you were. But maybe he said fraud as that's the reason for all bans. But still, his response was rude and not professional at all.

There are no words for how unfair this situation is, if their smartlink went to that offer, that's their fault for adding it in with the other offers in the smartlink, shouldn't mean you're penalized for it.

Yes you can direct link (not sure about cpc offers though) But any other offer you can as I've done it in the past, and actually been given them in the past.

Hope you get this resolved!

Thanks for the support, your analysis is spot on to the situation.

I ran legitimate traffic to them, same traffic that I've been getting paid for over the last two years from and, I am 100% sure this traffic is legitimate and not fraudulent in anyway at all. So according to the last thing Dee from Ogads told me on skype before he blocked me is that, I was banned for running their smartlink, because the smartlink was redirecting my traffic to a cpc offer.

Does that make sense to anyone? I had no say, no configuration possibility, and no way whatsoever to what offers the smartlink was redirecting my traffic to. It turns out that based on THIER setting up of the smartlink, my highly valuable USA/Canada Mac Desktop traffic was being redirected to a VPN offer that apparently was CPC. This offer does not state anywhere that it's cost per click, and even if it did, i'm not the one who added it to the smartlink, THEY DID!

So they ran my traffic to this VPN offer for about two months, as well as my other desktop all GEO traffic to other offers which earned about $50 total I believe. And then when they disabled the smartlinks on their site, they just banned me, blocked me, and st**e my money.

Awesome right?
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Yeah it makes total sense, they have basically made a mistake of having a cpc offer within the mix of smartlink offers and their algorithm has chosen to send traffic there because it's (obviously) the best performing as it's cpc. It's 100% not your fault at all. It's funny how they didn't notice this sooner, and maybe politely let you know about it and maybe remove it but inform you first like "look we have made a mistake, we added a cpc offer to the smartlink rotation and this has inflated all of your statistics" or along those lines would of been a professional way to approach it, not just hit the ban button.

Let's see if they reply, and what their response is, they will reply it's just a matter of when and how.
I've notice that their cpc offers are hidden from offer list but the cpc offer will be shown on their content locker.
According to @ogads profile on affiliatefix "ogads was last seen: Today at 1:30 AM"

They have been logging in and ignoring this thread instead of replying. I posted this thread 2 days ago. Does anyone really want to continue doing business with a company that blatantly and openly steals money from their affiliates and operates with no respect or professionalism?

Why would it take them so long to respond to such a clear and forward thread? There's no ambiguity whatsoever. Are they manufacturing some type of false stats to claim their accusation of "f***d" was correct?

I have two years of data from and with the same traffic source that will disprove any crap they try and pull.

I'm so pissed about this, they ri**ed me off for my most valuable traffic, everyone in the AM industry knows how profitable desktop Mac OS traffic can be. It's my highest earning desktop traffic on those other two networks.

If you don't respond and pay me my money within the next 48hrs @ogads i'm going to start my years long campaign of destroying any reputation you have on the internet. No stone will be left unturned. I promise!
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According to @ogads profile on affiliatefix "ogads was last seen: Today at 1:30 AM"

They have been logging in and ignoring this thread instead of replying. I posted this thread 2 days ago. Does anyone really want to continue doing business with a company that blatantly and openly steals money from their affiliates and operates with no respect or professionalism?

Why would it take them so long to respond to such a clear and forward thread? There's no ambiguity whatsoever. Are they manufacturing some type of false stats to claim their accusation of "fraud" was correct?

I have two years of data from and with the same traffic source that will disprove any crap they try and pull.

I'm so pissed about this, they ripped me off for my most valuable traffic, everyone in the AM industry knows how profitable desktop Mac OS traffic can be. It's my highest earning desktop traffic on those other two networks.

If you don't respond and pay me my money within the next 48hrs @ogads i'm going to start my years long campaign of destroying any reputation you have on the internet. No stone will be left unturned. I promise!

Waiting for the answer from their part as well. But don't look into it like that. Give them time to gather data as well :)

Checked yesterday and they hadn't been online since the 17th i believe. So this thread being posted 2 days ago isn't relevant atm
This is why threads like these are so damaging. Dozens of people have viewed this post thinking that we are the bad guy and put a bad image in the heads of us and to others.. When there is always another side to the story.

On OG you have the ability to block certain offers in order to priority or specifically show others.

Here is a screenshot where Trailblazer has asked his account manager how to block and prioritize offers proving that he knows how to do this. Screenshot Here is another screenshot of Trailblazer asking specifically to only show the CPC offer to his traffic, here is some pretty obvious proof that we dont want people to use the smartlink to directly take advantage of the fact that the offer is a CPC offer.

Screenshot We specifically tell him no this is not allowed and you will be banned. This guy has been told multiple times that this is not allowed on OG and he will be banned if he does it yet he did it any way.

All of his traffic referrals were from pop ads domains -- not "very valuable, USA/CA Mac Desktop Traffic " but referrals from websites such as adult tube sites which are all from popads... Adult traffic is also not allowed on OGAds

We don’t just ban people cause we want their money.... If that’s how we ran our business we wouldn’t be in business.

We got a flag come back from the offer with the guys at AnchorFree VPN (the hotspot vpn offer) to cut the source and that the clicks wouldn't be paid for as NONE of them converted into an actual download on their end...

This cpc fraud has happened more frequently in the past few months and has been posted as a method recently on a private forum, this guy knew what he was doing and got caught out... simple as that.
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This is why threads like these are so damaging. Dozens of people have viewed this post thinking that we are the bad guy and put a bad image in the heads of us and to others.. When there is always another side to the story.

On OG you have the ability to block certain offers in order to priority or specifically show others.

Here is a screenshot where Trailblazer has asked his account manager how to block and prioritize offers proving that he knows how to do this. Screenshot Here is another screenshot of Trailblazer asking specifically to only show the CPC offer to his traffic, here is some pretty obvious proof that we dont want people to use the smartlink to directly take advantage of the fact that the offer is a CPC offer.

Screenshot We specifically tell him no this is not allowed and you will be banned. This guy has been told multiple times that this is not allowed on OG and he will be banned if he does it yet he did it any way.

All of his traffic referrals were from pop ads domains -- not "very valuable, USA/CA Mac Desktop Traffic " but referrals from websites such as adult tube sites which are all from popads... Adult traffic is also not allowed on OGAds

We don’t just ban people cause we want their money.... If that’s how we ran our business we wouldn’t be in business.

We got a flag come back from the offer with the guys at AnchorFree VPN (the hotspot vpn offer) to cut the source and that the clicks wouldn't be paid for as NONE of them converted into an actual download on their end...

This cpc fraud has happened more frequently in the past few months and has been posted as a method recently on a private forum, this guy knew what he was doing and got caught out... simple as that.

OK, now I am 100% sure OGads is a fr****lent company and that screwing me over wasn't a one-off event, not only do you st**l money, you are full of complete dec**t and li*s. Good thing I have all the evidence to prove you are fully ly**g.

Yes, I did ask my AM if I can run my traffic only to that offer, why? Because it was the only one converting and because I had NO IDEA it was a CPC offer. Why wouldn't anyone want to focus all their traffic on the offer that's making them money?

In my original post I stated the fact that I asked the AM if I could direct link that offer by blacklisting every other offer. I said this

Yesterday I asked my AM if I could direct link to an offer that seemed to be where most of my conversions were coming from. He told me no I can't direct link to it, and not to setup a content locker with only that offer or I would be banned.

I said ok no problem and didn't setup any offers and still didn't send any traffic to Ogads.

Keep in mind, I asked this of my AM AFTER I STOPPED SENDING ANY TRAFFIC to them, and after I asked it, I still sent NO TRAFFIC, I had no IDEA it was CPC and was never told until I was banned.

How about this @ogads show the full conversation of that chat box you linked to. Show my replies!!!

This guy has been told multiple times that this is not allowed on OG and he will be banned if he does it yet he did it any way.

This a COMPLETE and utter li*. SHOW ME where besides that screenshot I was told not to direct link or warned like you claim "multiple times" how the hell was I told "multiple times" when I only used your network for 2 months, and all I did was send traffic to smartlinks. SHOW WHERE I WAS TOLD MULTIPLE TIMES!!

All of his traffic referrals were from pop ads domains -- not "very valuable, USA/CA Mac Desktop Traffic " but referrals from websites such as adult tube sites which are all from popads... Adult traffic is also not allowed on OGAds

Another complete and full nonsense l*e, I feel embarrassed for you. Admins/Mods on here, please let me know how I can show you exactly where my traffic comes from, and that in no way what this full on li* claims is true, where the hell did you pull this from. I have ZERO adult traffic, or tube traffic, or popups. ZERO

We got a flag come back from the offer with the guys at AnchorFree VPN (the hotspot vpn offer) to cut the source and that the clicks wouldn't be paid for as NONE of them converted into an actual download on their end...

It took you nearly two months to catch this supposed flag, no one detected for two months that the traffic wasn't backing out? Really, after all these lies you've told, I am CERTAIN this is another one, nothing you say can be trusted.

EVEN if the traffic wasn't backing out, that's not my fault, it's not my fault the smartlink was setup to send my traffic to that offer for 60 days, where in my account I was led to believe I was earning money, and then I got banned for no reason. Why wasn't I told sooner so I can pull my traffic and stop losing money?

I am willing to provide admins all evidence of everything I claim. I am asking admins REQUIRE ogads to provide evidence of their claims.

It took @ogads 48hrs to come here and instead of admit a mistake, double down with more li*s, what in the HELL??
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Cut me the BS and send me the report of where your traffic is from then.... i will match it to what i have on my data... and i will publicly post everything so that we can close this stupid discussion of you getting caught and making a big deal about it.

I am waiting on your screenshot with your "proof".. until then, i have all evidence that supports the fact that you were sending popads traffic to a cpc offer once you realised it was paying out CPC you wanted to focus your efforts there by removing other offers so it would payout for your cheap popads "method"

Our advertisers take time to process traffic, we have over 60,000 publishers who send traffic to us every day and they usually process data of a month to see who is making them positive roi or negative and then will send us an email to pause the source, I actually questioned them personally about your ID with OGAds and they specifically told me that NONE of your users had gone to install and run the desktop app for mac... how can you answer that one ?

We already told you that direct linking was not allowed to the CPC offer

- Using the smartlink to direct popads traffic to once you blocked other offers out of your account to leave the cpc there was against our rules (essentially direct linking)

- Along Sending adult popads traffic (or any adult traffic in general) to the smartlink is also against our rules.
Cut me the BS and send me the report of where your traffic is from then.... i will match it to what i have on my data... and i will publicly post everything so that we can close this stupid discussion of you getting caught and making a big deal about it.

I am waiting on your screenshot with your "proof".. until then, i have all evidence that supports the fact that you were sending popads traffic to a cpc offer once you realised it was paying out CPC you wanted to focus your efforts there by removing other offers so it would payout for your cheap popads "method"

Our advertisers take time to process traffic, we have over 60,000 publishers who send traffic to us every day and they usually process data of a month to see who is making them positive roi or negative and then will send us an email to pause the source, I actually questioned them personally about your ID with OGAds and they specifically told me that NONE of your users had gone to install and run the desktop app for mac... how can you answer that one ?

We already told you that direct linking was not allowed to the CPC offer

- Using the smartlink to direct popads traffic to once you blocked other offers out of your account to leave the cpc there was against our rules (essentially direct linking)

- Along Sending adult popads traffic (or any adult traffic in general) to the smartlink is also against our rules.

"Cut you the BS?" More professionalism from our reputed company OGads.

If I was guilty of those things you claimed would I really be on here wasting my time stating my case? No I wouldn't. You however have a reputation to defend and lies to cover up with more l*es. Good thing when this is all said and done you will be exposed because all your li*s are documented in this thread and I will reveal each one.

Lets start with this, in my previous post I asked for the evidence for this l*e of yours

This guy has been told multiple times that this is not allowed on OG and he will be banned if he does it yet he did it any way.

Come on now, if you're going to claim that as fact, SHOW where I was told that, SHOW IT. I was told once, two days before I was banned, and during the time period I was sending ZERO traffic to you.

Show the rest of the screenshots of the conversation you posted, why the hell would you only show your side if you have nothing to hide?

Show the date of when that conversation took place, I was told no, I said ok, sent 0 traffic, and was banned two days later.

send me the report of where your traffic is from then.... i will match it to what i have on my data... and i will publicly post everything

I'm not sending YOU ANYTHING, anything I send will be to the Admins of this forum, I have ZERO trust in anything dealing with you. The admins will get my screenshots of my proof, the admins can even remote control my PC and login to my stats account, and all other accounts that will be the proof.

Our advertisers take time to process traffic, we have over 60,000 publishers who send traffic to us every day and they usually process data of a month to see who is making them positive roi or negative and then will send us an email to pause the source, I actually questioned them personally about your ID with OGAds and they specifically told me that NONE of your users had gone to install and run the desktop app for mac... how can you answer that one ?

How the hell do I know any of this is true after all your li*s? If the traffic wasn't backing out, I would of stopped sending traffic to Ogads. You left that offer in my smartlink for almost two months, made it seem I was earning money on it, then banned me at the last minute.

You now have a huge incentive to claim the traffic wasn't backing out and that's why I was banned. I honestly can't believe this now, I have evidence that my Mac OS Desktop traffic is the most profitable to me. I will send this to the Admins.

We already told you that direct linking was not allowed to the CPC offer


When the smartlink died, I asked if I could direct link, I was told no, I SENT NO TRAFFIC TO Ogads in this time period!

- Using the smartlink to direct popads traffic to once you blocked other offers out of your account to leave the cpc there was against our rules (essentially direct linking)

I sent ZERO traffic to ogads after the smartlink went down, the smartlink had hundreds of offers chosen by YOUR COMPANY, I only ever asked my AM to remove about 8 offers from the smartlink. The smartlink had hundreds of offers it was rotating when I was sending traffic to it. Why do you keep making this l*e that I direct linked, why?

I feel sorry for you, you have dug yourself in a huge hole with all these li*s, now you have to fabricate and lie as much as you can to dig yourself out, too bad the admins will see your l**s.

Admins please PM me so I can send you the required proof of my traffic.
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Here is your username and email witch shows a adult/dating email of yours and also for POF adult websites on that domain

Amended screenshot of Ogads account header for TrailBlazer

Your traffic ref from adult headline POF!

The offers you said you ran and were only desktop when there is tons of clicks from mobile


LQ traffic


Here is the proof that our system shows on your account anyone can see that this is LQ traffic! Your email says it all that you do work in adult traffic and the ref img posted above show it also.

We do not ban peoples accounts for just no reason. We did not gain anything from this because all of your conversions were not paid out by the advertiser. Your traffic is very LQ and the advertiser will not pay for it.

If your traffic was HQ and you followed the rules on what we allow and do not allow it would have not been a problem at all. There is no point for us to ban members accounts if everything is legit and they are following the rules!

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