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Tons of FREE Affiliate and Internet Marketing Training - FreeIQ

Linda Buquet

New Member
There is an AMAZING new site filled with TONS of free training.

Much of this affiliate marketing and online marketing training you would normally need to pay for but on this site is available for FREE.

It's called FREE IQ! - The MarketPlace for Ideas.
Not only is much of the training free but it's a new online marketplace
that allows you to SHARE your videos or ebooks for free if you choose to
or SELL them to thousands of affiliates that will be joining the site.

This is an EXTREMELY powerful and unique concept developed by Brad Fallon, who I'm sure you all know of.
It combines video, free training, ecommerce, social networking and affiliate marketing all in one DYNAMIC site.

Take a quick peak at the free training that's available in video, audio and PDF formats.
Go to the site and type affiliate marketing or Adwords or whatever you want to learn about in the search box.
(You won't understand the power of this site and all it can do without this video.)

If by chance you can't view the Video Demo here
go to FreeIQ Revealed - Joel Comm Interviews FreeIQ Founder Brad Fallon - Free IQ to see it

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">var FOtutorial = {movie:"",width:"480",height:"338",majorversion:"7",build:"0",bgcolor:"#FFFFFF", flashvars:"playlistURL=|63858ah" }; UFO.create(FOtutorial, "fotutorial");</script><p id="fotutorial"><a href="">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this player.</p>​

You can make money by joining the FREE IQ affiliate program.

You can get traffic by uploading your edu videos, audios or ebooks
OR SELL content here: Promote Your Content.

You can just use all the free content to learn to build your business:
FREE Training

Some are calling this an online land grab and are saying it will be bigger than Squidoo, so get in now and stake your claim!

Well I'm not sure about ALL THAT, but I would recommmend joining and getting whatever info you can for free and taking advantage of the community to learn, grow and prosper.
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Has anyone checked this out yet?
What do you think?

I've found some really good free training for newbies, even OLDbies & Pros.
I'll try to remember to come here and share the good ones
I think may be of value to our members.

If you guys find something good, post a link here.
(Direct links only - no affiliate links.)
Hi Linda,

Well, I watched the video first, and it is overwhelming with possibilities! I went and signed up right away and emailed just about everybody to do the same.

It will be interesting to watch; I think it has a legitimate possibility of really exploding.

Yes I think it could be big. I don't typically promote things like this, but I figure...

if it's good for the industry...
created by reputable people...
if it's free to join...
provides FREE training...
and may help 5 Star members make some extra money,
then it's probably a good thing to let you guys know about. :)
Looks really great! Awesome idea. Could someone use it if they wanted to distribute a free ebook or something?

So when someone search for "customizing the myspace profile" your link would pop up to download you free ebook and then with your website links inside.

Thats actually one of FreeIQ's main focus, unlimited hosting of content for free and paid distribution. The free content hosting is used to drive sales and related actions i.e. subscriptions, email list, etc.
Well I checked it out and joined but noticed free ebooks must be in pdf format, so I have some work to do as several of mine are in .exe, but I can handle that and even understand.

I also added one of my paid PDF eBooks as a listing but so far nothing but I'm willing to ride this out and see how it goes and grows... ;)
You actually can post .exe's, there just isn't a download type for it so you would have to select another.

Still, you're best off converting them to pdf's, as most people would correctly be very cautious about downloading an exe.

I offer both paid and free content on the site, and I can tell you from my experience that you won't get a huge amount of traffic at this point, but the traffic you do get is generally very qualified, and the popularity of the site continues to grow.


Hi there,

I am interested in this.Here in Brazil every child have laptop and want to learn.This video is beneficial for these newbies or oldies.


I like the idea of free training. Anyone who has ever read my posts knows how strongly I feel about always continuing to build your knowledge and skill set throughout your Internet marketing career. I will definitely be joining this.

You know there was a bunch of buzz when it 1st kicked off and I went there a lot to check things out. Now I don't hear anything any more and have not been there for a long time. I'm sure there's still lots of value, the buzz just died.

Let us know what you find and what you think Sheree.
There is a lot of great stuff on there definitely. I'm in the process of creating a Web 2.0 marketing video course for my subscribers, I should make sure to submit the best of these how to videos.

It's a great place to learn as well as a great place to showcase your own strengths.

I'll be looking for a tutorial on how to edit videos and add text. I still haven't figured this out. If anyone knows of a good video editing tutorial, please let me know.

