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Traffic for Nutra in Tier 2 Countries


New Member
Hello everyone,

Well, I’m interested in running a campaign as an affiliate for Nutra products in countries like Poland, Greece, Turkey, Romania, etc... I’m from Brazil and I’ve run many campaigns here as an affiliate for supplements, but nowadays Brazil is very competitive, and it’s almost impossible to run direct traffic to a supplement offer with a small budget. What works is sending traffic to your own landing page to engage in one-on-one conversations directly with people.

So, I thought about running direct traffic to some countries where I believe people have a purchasing power equal to or greater than Brazil’s and where the competition is not as fierce, thus lowering the traffic cost, etc.

Has anyone who has run direct traffic to Nutra offers in Tier 2 countries experienced any pros and cons? Do direct offers convert well there? Is the traffic cost really cheaper?

Thank you in advance.

Hi, @jov , welcome to AffiliateFix.
What works is sending traffic to your own landing page to engage in one-on-one conversations directly with people.
That's true for most types of offers, anyway. Especially if you're promoting on some of the social platforms. It also gives you a chance to capture emails for your list.

Has anyone who has run direct traffic to Nutra offers in Tier 2 countries
I have not but we have many great traffic vendors in our Resources section that have traffic for those countries. I know that's not what you asked but some may have reviews you can read.

Plus this post will bump your thread. :)