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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Seeking Help Traffic Type Travel

Hello you wonderful people, i do hope you are having a pleasant start to the week and you are doing well.

I was kindly wondering regarding the Momondo campaign which pays per flight search, for instance around £0.50 per clickout on desktop. Can i please ask what would be the best way to make it worthwhile promoting this campaign please? Would direct PPC work for instance, or doing email marketing to a specific landing page, as i understand this may not work well promoting on a standard affiliate content site. If anyone kindly had time to get back to me i would be very grateful for your support.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your day and hope you are managing to achieve your goals. Hope you achieve massive success and all the best.
standard affiliate content site

There is no such thing. Affiliate sites are built specifically like a long sales letter, typically a single page, but very long that runs the angle, the hooks, and then the triggers in a specific formula as the reader progresses through the page. Now, there are some sites that want to, and do, mimic true content sites, but they are recognized for what they really are by the SE's and penalized as a result. Remember, the SE's do not index landing pages or any sites that mimic their content style and intent.

Content sites, while almost always having paid ads and/or affiliate banners, are far from being an "affiliate" site. Content sites are sites that bring true value and the sites monetize themselves based on the visitors to the site and often the site's purpose(s). True content sites provide new and updated content on a daily basis, occasionally a few times a week, depending on how large a following they have and the niche(s) they serve. The larger and the more popular a content site becomes, the more demand for new and updated content becomes.

I don't see how you can build campaigns around just Momondo. Maybe with PPV or PopUnders. I don't see PPC as an option. It's rare to be able to do PPC these days with any payouts under at least $5, and that is a tough threshold as it is. Either way you'll need to design a pitch and a funnel.

Have you acquired the necessary tools for marketing?
Freelancer for creatives, landers, copy, etc.
Thank you very much for your responses that is very kind of you. I do hope you are having a good day.

T J Tutor thank you very much for your kind response that was extremely helpful of you. I appreciate that content sites are sites that offer true value and provide new content on a daily basis, occasionally a few times a week. These monetise themselves on the visitors and sites purpose. I also understand a pitch and a sales funnel would be required to monetise Momondo however you don't see PPC as an option.

Can i kindly please ask regarding wider reading and learning, where did you primarily pickup the skills for digital marketing please? Did you take any courses, was there any books you recommend, did you learn from YouTube videos and was a self learner for instance please? If you kindly had time to get back to me on this point, it would mean the world to me and i would be very thankful.

Hope you continue to achieve massive success and that your continue meeting all your goals and aspirations. All the best.
where did you primarily pickup the skills for digital marketing please?

By taking action! This is the biggest thing that newbies fail at. I started in the early days before affiliate marketing was a thing. Then affiliate programs came available and joined some of them. I collaborated with others, this is among the most important things to do then and now. Never stop collaborating, always continues building relationships and always ask for help and always offer help. From the very beginning you have to take action.

Taking action doesn't mean marketing alone. you need a VPS, so learn to manage your VPS. You need a tracker, so start playing around and getting to know your tracker, etc., etc., etc.! It is necessary to study and research daily, but it is equally important to be taking action as you learn and as you research. If you wait until "all your ducks are in a row", you will never get anything done.

I have been doing digital marketing since before 1996, but I also have a lifetime of business experience before that. This is a business and you have to conduct yourself as a business person from the beginning in this industry, like any other, from the very first steps you take.

Did you take any courses, was there any books you recommend, did you learn from YouTube videos and was a self learner for instance please?

I have always relied on collaboration with others above all else for learning and taking action. Second to that is research, and all of us research daily. I have spent a couple of hours minimum on research everyday with every business I have ever owned and/or operated.

I have reviewed courses by many of those I know in the industry, but once a person has the fundamentals down and has a stable and successful business operating, then very powerful masterminds are what most of us participate in. They aren't cheap and they are the pinnacle of collaboration. When you get your business up over the six zeros benchmark then you can start thinking about those types of masterminds. Until then, stick with collaborations in places like AffiliateFix, get togethers, summits, meetups, etc.

self learner for instance

Everyone of us that succeeds is a self learner. The word self learner is an oxymoron anyways. Everyone that learns something self learns. Self taught is what i think you meant. Self taught is also a bit misleading because we all depend on others in one form or another when learning anything.