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This will be ignored just like cigarette warning labels were until enough people are effected negatively by the foul substances.

Exactly my first thought.

In this case the foul substance in social media is the many of the user accounts (people and bots) --truly a shit show.

It certainly has turned into that. Those on my ad lists on FB primarily stay within their groups because of this and never want anything abut themselves made public to the general FB environment.

Most of social media is a waste of time but is a symptom of the human condition.

They confuse social media as being social. I think, to be fully and truly social, one must engage more than just electronic communications.
This will be ignored just like cigarette warning labels were
Give somebody a cell phone and either an obsession or low enough self-esteem and those warnings are a waste of time and space.

I think tweens and teens are likely most susceptible.
That (an internet connected smartphone) is just a part of our contemporary times. Forty years ago is was about TV sex and violence. Twenty years ago is was about the over use of electronic games ... Deception always has always existed --so nothing has really changed.
True. Different times, different poison. So to speak.

Wonder what'll come next. There are so many options now, at least here. There are almost too many to pick just one, thanks to all the new bills introduced for legislation. Hopefully, most won't pass. So, I guess it's government next. Well, now. :D

Meantime, most people will just carry on living their lives as best they can. But it can be hard to block the noise of what's happening sometimes. I don't think that helps people who are in desperate situations, struggling emotionally or mentally and engaging in social media. It can help or harm.
so nothing has really changed.
Wonder what'll come next.

The more things change, the more they stay the same!
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