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Turnkey Internet Business Startup Kit


New Member
We have 50 complete turnkey web sites for sale.

These are 100% complete web sites which generate revenue through our exclusive affiliate program. The web sites come fully setup so that you will earn up to $200 from each sale that is generated through the web site. They also come with a complete guide telling you exactly how to get people to visit your web site so you will earn money.

All sites include:

- complete web site

- hosting (no additional cost)

- subdomain of your choice (or you can use your own domain name)

- automatic enrollment in our exclusive affiliate program, offering up to $200 commission per sale, generated from your web site.

- 12 page step-by-step ebook detailing exactly what you need to do promote your web site

- 200% money back guarantee: if you don't make a profit after following the instructions in our ebook then we'll give you back twice what you paid!

Because our service is new we're offering the first 50 accounts at $80 each for 2 years!
(Normal prices are $119.88 for 1 year, $215.76 for 2 years and $287.64 for 3 years.)

Payments from the affiliate program are made every 2 weeks through Paypal.

Our web site is located here:

PLEASE NOTE: This is the first 50 accounts only that have this $80 for 2 years offer! Don't buy through our web site link above or you'll end up paying the normal price, but send a PM to me here or use the contact form on the web site to request the $80 2 year offer.
Hi affiliatestartup,

Welcome to 5 Star. This looks interesting although I can say I only had time to skim and have not done my due diligence.

Couple questions that came immediately to mind. Maybe they are answered in your info if I had time to read it, but here goes anyway.

1) What about duplicate content? Are all sites the same?

2) What product is it that people are selling that pays 200 commish?

5 Star Disclaimer: programs and products advertised here in the forums do not have the 5 Star stamp of approval unless they are listed on our home page, so always do your own due diligence.

What about duplicate content? Are all sites the same?

All the sites are pretty much the same, except the owner can brand the site with their name at the top (brought to your by Your Name) and also they can add links to the links page.

What product is it that people are selling that pays 200 commish?

It's actually the same product, as in what they are buying is the same thing they are promoting. We provide a complete ebook with step-by-step instructions on how to promote the site. Plus it includes information on how to promote other affiliate programs too, like ones from Clickbank.

Affiliate Startup Kit is aimed at new people who want to get into the affiliate marketing business. It provides them with everything they need to get started and tells them exactly what to do, so they don't have to work it out for themselves. Also, we offer a 200% money back guarantee, which means that if someone follows the instructions but doesn't make money, we give them back twice what they paid.

If any one tries this, and it works, please post here!!! This looks too good to be true, but at the same time, it looks like it would be exactly the same as Amazon charging us to join there affiliate program. Why charge us to make you money??!!! :confused:

Save $30 on 1 year plan, $50 on 2 year plan & $100 on 3 year plan!
Something tells me that date will change in less than 24 hours. looks like an example of what we might be promoting. $229 for a web site.
If any one tries this, and it works, please post here!!! This looks too good to be true.
Ya know what they say... if it looks to good...

Members here like Nintendo are pretty savvy and have been around the block a few times. People that post opps here need to be prepared to be critiqued by skeptical affiliates.

Not judging this opp, just saying do your due diligence. :)
We have gone through everything on the site, so there's nothing 'more' I could really say here to convince you that this is true, except the following:

Because several people have responded saying that they don't believe we are for real, today we are introducing a 7 day free trial. We probably won't have this fully setup until tomorrow. But be sure to check the site, until it says "free trial" on it instead of "buy now".

As for the sale, yes that date was going to change everyday. That's a common technique to try to get people to buy sooner rather than later. It doesn't at all mean that there is anything wrong with our product. Anyway, that'll come down when we switch to the free trial, instead of the 'SALE' technique.

at the same time, it looks like it would be exactly the same as Amazon charging us to join there affiliate program. Why charge us to make you money?

You'll see why after you sign up for the free trial. First off the commission we pay you is 70%, instead of the 5% or whatever you'd get from Amazon. Second, the ebook really does tell you EXACTLY what to do, step by step, to make money. Plus we do have a 200% money back guarantee.

Check the site in a day or two and the free trial should be up, then you can see for yourself!
I have to agree, why would I want to pay someone to promote their product? You should be paying us. If someone is selling for you, you should do everything you can to make them want to sell, not charge them a fee to sell your product. I won't touch anything like that, to me it says that the company isn't making enough money if they have to charge their affiliates a fee. That would be like going for an interview for a sales position and they tell you that you only get paid if you pay them first, no matter how much you sell.

If you want hungry people to sell your product and make you money, don't charge them money, give them incentive to want to sell your product and you'll make a lot more sales, through a lot more affiliates.

Second, if you are not telling these people to change their sales pages you are going to keep most of them from any chance of ever being in a search engine because of all the duplicate content. Frankly, you would be much better off not giving them a site and only giving them affiliate links to send the sales to.

just my thoughts,
Too True To Be Real

If you go to their link ... they're gone. Guess it was too true to be real?!! :rolleyes:

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