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Two Different Questions Here


New Member
My first question is: I have an idea and I researched keywords for that idea. The one I came up with there are only 3 listings with google for those keywords and on the same page there are about 8 sponsored ads. Would this be something that would work well as far as finding a product for that niche?

My second question is: I already have a blog with several products listed on it, plus I just recently submitted an article I wrote promoting a product. If I use like Submit-It-Easy that sends my stuff to millions of places with one click does this create backlinks for my blog and article?

Sorry to be so ignorant, but this can be very confusing. Thanks for any help.

Hi MsGrass,

Re your 1st question. It's so hard to guess with so little info, but in case you found a rare goldmine do be careful not to share it. However, I think it's darn near impossible to find a phrase that could be monetized that only has 3 results in Google. Is that with or without quotes? Are the ads about those specific keywords?

Have you checked word tracker to see if anyone ever searches for that key phrase? That would help tell you if there is potential interest or demand.

Your 2nd question, maybe someone else can help you better than I since I don't deal at all with article marketing.
Thank You Linda

Thank you for attempting to answer my questions. In answer to your question about the 3 listings on Google. Yes, the sponsored ads are for the keywords I found, and that was without quotes.
Hi MsGrass,

I am unfortunately not familiar with submit-it-easy. However from experience backlinks are not created when using those kinds of programs. Now all programs are different and maybe they have this feature or maybe you have to pay for it. Maybe someone familiar with that program will be able to shed some more light on this for you.

Hope that helps you in some way!
Hi MsGrass,

Ok your best bet for keyword research is the following:

- Check out your competitors' websites, particularly those that rank in the top spots (not the sponsored results) with the search engines. See how they use their keywords, placement, density, etc. (don't copy! this is just for ideas)
- Choose your own keywords: choose 1, 2 and 3 word keyword phrases for best results.
- Research those keywords with a keyword research tool such as the google adwords keyword tool (even if you don't plan on using adwords) or Overture's keyword suggestion tool, or anything else you find. What you're looking for with these tools is keywords that are moderately searched for but have little competition.
- Finding keywords with very little search engine results is not necessarily a good thing, cos that means people won't be searching for those terms either.

Keyword research is tricky but stick with it and you'll find something. :)

As for your second question, I'm not familiar with the program you talked about either so can't say much about that. All I will say is be careful how you use these article submission programs cos some of the search engines don't like to see repeated articles all over the net.

Hope this has helped. Good luck. :D

First automatic article submission is the preferred way to submit articles as far as exposure and your own sanity. Nothing wrong with it, no penalties of any kind, it works and works best.

You can submit the SAME article (make sure to always use the same author name) to a million sites, you don't have to change it or spin it, that is NOT duplicate content and you don't have to worry about that, it's just a common misconception.
For more information on the real definition of duplicate content read this thread: http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5...5-duplicate-content-s-not-what-you-think.html

Also article marketing is a vital and crucial way to get backlinks and YES your link in the resource box or author box definitely counts as a backlink!

Anchor Text
For backlinks make sure that you use your good KW in the anchor text so that Google can associate your site with your KW's = relevancy, but change it up some, keep the KW's in the links but add other words. Just make sure it looks natural, makes sense and is appealing to the readers of your articles. (you should do this will all backlinks)
For example if my KW is Cheap Laptops then my anchor text would be Buy Cheap Laptops, Browse Cheap Laptops, Cheap Laptops for Sale, Your Site Name - Cheap Laptops...etc

Here is a simple formula on how to divide your time when working on backlinks:
50% relevant link exchanges, blogrolls and one way links when possible (A good way to search for relevant sites to exchange with is Google: blogroll + your KW)
40% Article Marketing
10% Directory submission (yes automatic services are fine and work great)
Here are a couple of long lists of directories with hyperlinks for easier submission and they are sorted by PR
Add : Add your URL to free SEO friendly directories
Deep Links Directory List - Directory Critic

Don't worry you don't sound ignorant, this stuff is confusing but after your did for while it will all be clear. Good Luck to you!