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UK Directory Network - Limited Number of Spaces Available

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New Member
Generate more sale for your UK Directory

I have finally figured out how we will go about the UK Directory Network project I mentioned in an earlier post.

At the moment, there is space for 10 directories (should I say nine as one space is already reserved). Here are

Firstly, your directory must meet the following criterias:
  • Your Directory is primarily a UK focused directory.
  • Your Directory is at least 1 year old.
  • Your Directory is family friendly.
Secondly, you need to creat a unique up to three hundred words description of your directory. Example of the description I wrote for can be found below:

FX1 Web Directory is six year old UK focused general Web Directory, with slight slant towards loans and other financial products and services listings.
Each approved listing is listed on a search engine friendly .php page, giving sites listed on FX1 an additional bonus of getting SEO benefit from the listing.

Sites submitted but are not approved for listing in FX1 gets 100% of their listing free refunded. Currently, two listing options are available, the standard listing and the premium listing. Standard listing consists of listing title, which is linked directly to the website and up to 250 words description and up to 100 words keywords.

All pages on FX1 has been index by all major search engines, search engine crawlers are regular daily visitors to the inner pages and the index page of FX1. Over 95% of the inner pages has a PR, including PR of up to PR4 on some inner pages.

For UK website looking to join thousands of other UK sites and businesses already enjoying the benefits of being listed on FX1 UK, you can do for a low cost annual fee of £20.

FX1 UK listing can be initiated from the Homepage or via the submission page.

Thirdly, send you directory title,
Directory Name:
Directory URL:
Directory Submission Page:

To me and your directory will be online, including with a direct link from SEDN homepage withing 7 working days.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Hi Temi, I would be interested for my Biz-Dir, it is still penalized by Google but I am working on getting it back into the rankings.
Hello David,
Nice to see you here :) Yes, despite G's penalty, your directory is very welcomed.
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