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UKWW Group On Squidoo

Is there a member here using the squidoo name 'Adio' here? They've submitted a lens to the group, but I can't find them here.

If you are submitting a lens and using a different squidoo name to your UKWW screen name, please do drop me a line, or post here so I don't reject it.
I am the guy called Adio at squidoo, I have join UK WW group and I added my first lens: Web Hosting An Introduction on Squidoo tittle Web hosting an introduction.
Temi, I'm not being overly strict on acceptance criteria at the moment, maybe at alater stage. Adio has been accepted and their lens is featured on the group page, though it would be great if they upladed an image to their profile/bio and added a little detail here.

You did all know you can add html to your profile now didn't you?

Edited -

Squidoo Top 100 Groups #54!! Must be just because of recent activity!
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Do I need to do anything else for my lens to be accepted?

Nope! Lens has been accepted and added to a featured module, I've also taken the liberty of adding your other 2 lenses to this module, though would appreciate it if you also added these to the group as well. (one of them would benefit from an image too ;) )
Hi Roo,
done that, thanks for the prompt acceptance,
regards Gerald.
Nope! Lens has been accepted and added to a featured module, I've also taken the liberty of adding your other 2 lenses to this module, though would appreciate it if you also added these to the group as well. (one of them would benefit from an image too ;) )
Sorry I'm new to this squidoo lark but I have a completed lens. I went to your link and clicked 'add an existing lens' but the next dropdown 'choose your lens' didn't show my lens although I am logged in.

Any ideas? I made my lens active today so perhaps I need to wait a bit?

my photo squidoo lens
I'm back, I have approved a couple but am seriously slowed down by the number of spam submissions. Though have had replies to recent spam reports and it's great that squidoo are relatively quick at shutting down those that are spamming.

I'll update the group page in a day or 2 as I have heaps of stuff that needs doing urgently! Gonna need another holiday by the weekend after catching up with stuff from this holiday!
Thanks a lot Roo for approving my lenses. I have 2 more lens ready with me which I will be adding to UKWW group shortly :D
apologgies for my slow responses and acceptances at the moment. The approval process is often complicated by large numbers of spam submissions which do get reported as such and usually locked.
for faster response send me a message here or via squidoo for faster approval. I'll try get on with things this evening!