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US Elections


Well-Known Member
Into the third day of a "Twilight Zone" general election Joe Biden is winning.

More drama ahead I am sure of that ...
Winner takes all
No it's not --Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 but got office by the electoral college --an anarchic way we elect our presidents in the US --your vote is for the elector pledged to that candidate so it's the number of electors each candidate wins that really matters.

The Electoral College is in the constitution so it is very difficult to get the 2/3 majority in the Congress and pass 2/3 in the states' legislatures for a constitutional amendment to be enacted --that (constitutional amendments) is not done by a referendum of popular vote.
  • Pennsylvania had 500,000 more votes than people registered.
  • North Carolina had 500,000 more votes than people registered.
  • Nevada had 150,000 more votes than people registered.
  • Georgia had 100,000 more votes than people registered
Rigged election .
Folks who wrote the script for this elections must be proud lol
That would be the 'Founding Fathers' who promulgated the Electoral College and then when the US Constitution was ratified in 1789.
The intent is that the people could not be 100% trusted the people were property of the individual states --in that era and legally still are.

There is no proven election fraud --is spite of the frivolous claims.
I am happy you didn't get what you wanted so were the other 4 million that voted Trump out of office.
You got 30 days to find 4 million irregularities --good luck on that one.
Absent Trump's lawsuits fruiting, America's gonna have a basement president. The 25th amendment will be invoked during the next four years. The VP's role will be vital.

God Bless America! I freaking love this country. Never felt more patriotic than I do now.:)
Fantasyland. The State and Federal courts are tossing every voting fraud case.
The last was frivolous election fraud lawsuit Trump filed was dismissed with prejudice ...
This is the reason why you don't understand what happens to the dollar...
Can we have some stability, please??