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US Email submit Journey [Need Help]

Juicy J

Landing Page: 2 offer paths
Traffic: ppv
Tracking: Adsbridge
Impression: 3687
Offer 1 click: 101
Offer 2 click: 107
Conversion: 0

So I just spend $5 into my ppv campagin, got 3687 impression and 189 click. The click throughts for each offer are almost evenly split. Got 0 conversion tho. So what should I do, keep pumping money into the campaign, try different offers, too early to tell, kill it, or switch campaign? I've never seen numbers this big before so I got no experience what to do with the campaign.
DOI or SOI ?
Try Win iPhone or Vouchers first
If the offer provide many landing pages , you need split test all of them , and find out the best one .
DOI or SOI ?
Try Win iPhone or Vouchers first
If the offer provide many landing pages , you need split test all of them , and find out the best one .

email submit soi, conversion at valid email submit. It is a electronic voucher offer from awm. The offer provides only a single lp.
email submit soi, conversion at valid email submit. It is a electronic voucher offer from awm. The offer provides only a single lp.
You need to get the top offers with high CR from your AM , it means somebody doing good job on them.
And your CTR is low . 6% only. You need high CTR to lead people to the offer landing page . If you can't do that , try to use Direct Link .
100 clicks means nothing , If you're using the low quality traffic , the CR maybe is 0.5% , then you need send 200 clicks to get a conversion.
Kill the low CTR websites in your campaign .
Keep on testing remove bad targets with low ctr. What I like to do is test 5 different landing pages on the same offer then find the winner and then keep tweaking untell you get a good ROI. Good luck and please keep us posted.
What @ogads said.

One thing I highly suggest is always split test 4-5 different angles. See which one your audience responds the best too and then split test different landing page styles.

Finally I am seeing some green and hitting that positive roi(earning still coming in). Next thing on the agenda, test a new LP.
My biggest question is, what category should I target for a quiz lander. If someone can help me knock down this question based on their experience, my profit will explode. And ofc, a donation will be made for the individual that helped me out.
Updating my thread. As I've learned that traffic plays a big role when it comes to conversions. Even if you have a winning campaign but low traffic, you won't see much profit. I filter out negative factors of my campaign which left me with little to no traffic. I will see a steady conversion from here to there when the traffic rises and falls between days. So right now, I have a winning campaign and winning low traffic source. I gather data from my campaign and realize that I am barely breaking even between my spending and profit. Now the winning traffic has die down to almost no views per day, I have to figure out alternative solution to combat this situation. This is going to be a hard fight, because I know the campaign only works at a specific category/niche, and barely work on other niche.