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Announcement US Traffic COVID-19 Mapping [infographic]

I'm not sure about the validity of this but it seems like an interesting item ...Sign the Petition

UV Technologies, LLC started this petition to President Donald J. Trump and
COVID-19 has changed the lives of every man, woman, and child on the planet. UV-Aid, a Therapeutic Treatment using Ultra-Violet A, (UVA) light has been on the market for 10 years, with millions of safe and effective applications in helping to prevent colds, and flu, according to an April 17, 2020 letter from the National Institutes of Health (NIH): "The UV-Aid device has a primary mechanism of action that is therapeutic since the premise is that the UV-A light inactivates enveloped viruses that may be in the ear, nose, or throat. While the second mechanism of action is activation of select immune cells"
Exposing the pathways of the ear, nose, and throat to UVA light effectively weakens the virus through the process of peroxidation. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is also produced from UVA light

Interesting. There was more to that last sentence (UV use) I put in the quote but reading that paragraph made wonder if something as simple as peroxide could help people reduce their chances of infection, or not get it as critically. When I was a kid, my mother used to treat my earaches by putting peroxide in my ears. Never did get antibiotics for those.

Regardless, I'm all for anything that works and peroxide + UV sounds a lot safer to me than the couple of other things I've heard they're considering.
Hydrogen Peroxide can be used as a gargle but not taken internally --Hydrogen Peroxide kills viruses --so does soap and water as well as Lysol (pine oil) disinfectant cleaners on hard surfaces.
Hydrogen Peroxide can be used as a gargle but not taken internally --Hydrogen Peroxide kills viruses --so does soap and water as well as Lysol (pine oil) disinfectant cleaners on hard surfaces.

I expect that's why the UV to create the peroxide effect in the pathways. I guess.

And if you keep your sinuses flushed (saline or something), does that help give you an edge over contamination.

Officials counter Trump’s suggestion that heat, light and disinfectants could be coronavirus treatments

Sinuses? Like saline nose spray? Saline is inert I think. Useless and too much is probably bad (I would guess). Don't spray Lysol up your nose that may kill you. This MD says that sunlight (with the UV spectrum) 'not people'
UV Light causes sunburn to human skin -- the 'sunburn' effect on mouth or nose tissue? IDK for sure ask a real doctor --not Dr. McQuak Trump ... Internal use of disinfectants can kill.
Sinuses? Like saline nose spray? Saline is inert I think. Useless and too much is probably bad (I would guess).

I expect you're right. What made me wonder, was the article talking about the peroxide effect on the pathways of the ears, nose. If those pathways are what they are thinking are key, then, I wondered....would keeping them clear/cleaned out, wash out or reduce the amount of virus that would congregate in those pathways thereby reducing the worst effects of the virus if it becomes active?

Don't spray Lysol up your nose that may kill you.

Good lord, no!

Internal use of disinfectants can kill.

I can't bring myself to watch the US task force briefings anymore, so I didn't hear about the advice of ingesting household cleaners until I saw a few minutes of CNN last night.

I'm not a scientist or a doctor, don't even play one on TV but even I know better than that.

So, I guess what it all boils down to at the moment is - continue to stay home and play hermit until somebody figures this out or people become immune.
I have a hunch that 'Dr.' Trump got played by that petition I posted above (just speculation).
The media need to stop airing his rants --it is a public disgrace IMHO.

We are at over 50,000 dead now and it's time to put Trump on ignore --it's just making things worse.
Meantime, the US State of Georgia (just north of Florida) is going to reopen the hair salons, nail shops and tattoo parlors as well as general business next week--WTF ...

Red Hat Suicide for the sake of a fistful of dollars ...
Meantime, the US State of Georgia (just north of Florida) is going to reopen the hair salons, nail shops and tattoo parlors as well as general business next week--WTF ...
View attachment 16407
Red Hat Suicide for the sake of a fistful of dollars ...

And massage therapy places, apparently. I'd love to know how the hell social distancing can be practiced in any of those businesses when they all involve touch.

They are placing money over human life.
In four U.S. state prisons, nearly 3,300 inmates test positive for coronavirus -- 96% without symptoms

>>>They started with the Marion Correctional Institution, which houses 2,500 prisoners in north central Ohio, many of them older with pre-existing health conditions. After testing 2,300 inmates for the coronavirus, they were shocked. Of the 2,028 who tested positive, close to 95% had no symptoms. <<<

The number of asymptomatic inmates is shocking -- what this ratio is like in the general population is an unknown in the USA as only those symptomatic (persons with the disease's symptoms) are receiving tests -- a very subjective and probably low statistical count of the general population. Maybe 15% - 25% have been exposed? Who knows? We are dealing with a possible time bomb until there is an effective treatment and some vaccine developed.
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Holy crap! So, it's a grrrrreat idea to open up the states again. A potential real-life zombie apocalypse.

I'm really curious to know if those who recovered retain immunity to reinfection.

Last I saw, the US is reporting 50,000+ deaths and they were thinking that the real number of positives could be a million. Lack of testing, so it's a guestimation.

Nationwide, we are still on lockdown. I didn't hear the totals today.
I've heard nicotine gum blocks COV19 from a prominent neurosurgeon. Research shows that sunlight is effective against the virus.

Caveat, do your due diligence. It's a very scary disease.

Crisis brings opportunity.
Nicotine gum is interesting, but why and how. Smokers have weakened lung capacity and is a preexisting condition as far as COVID-19 goes. Statistics bear that out. Nicotine is a artery lumen (opening) reducing drug --dangerous for persons with high blood pressure issues --that's 30% of the US population.

UV light is for hard surfaces only. Any benefit from UV light exposure to skin is outweighed by sunburn or basal cell cancer of the skin is the extreme.

I ordered some things I needed for will-call (curbside pickup @HomeDepot building supply) and this was the first day of a modified stay home in my state. The crowds were like Christmas Shoppers! No Way... I forgot about the other parts of the 'supply run' and just stopped at the restaurant supply (foodservice distributor) and bought a few things I needed in bulk packages --they have limited fresh produce in the store is retail to bulk sizes and were not that busy (less exposure to the 'zombie carriers'). However, is was easy to spot the idiots --shoppers without masks or not wearing gloves, 10%-20% of those POS fools.

Tattoo Parlor in Georgia, US

Not wearing gloves working near exposure to another's bleeding -- Y'all idiots?
Darwin's theory in play ... Adapt or Die for real.
The crowds were like Christmas Shoppers!

That's what I feared would happen. People leave their common sense at home.

No Way... I forgot about the other parts of the 'supply run'


shoppers without masks or not wearing gloves, 10%-20% of those POS fools.

I can only shake my head. I dunno, guess people forget why this is happening in the first place.

Our Premiere announced yesterday that they hope to have a plan worked up next week for Ontario reopening. Just the plan by then, not the actual reopening. He did say they are hoping we can start in May. I, for one, will still not go out for a while until things calm down some.
Nicotine gum is interesting, but why and how. Smokers have weakened lung capacity and is a preexisting condition as far as COVID-19 goes. Statistics bear that out. Nicotine is a artery lumen (opening) reducing drug --dangerous for persons with high blood pressure issues --that's 30% of the US population.

UV light is for hard surfaces only. Any benefit from UV light exposure to skin is outweighed by sunburn or basal cell cancer of the skin is the extreme.

I ordered some things I needed for will-call (curbside pickup @HomeDepot building supply) and this was the first day of a modified stay home in my state. The crowds were like Christmas Shoppers! No Way... I forgot about the other parts of the 'supply run' and just stopped at the restaurant supply (foodservice distributor) and bought a few things I needed in bulk packages --they have limited fresh produce in the store is retail to bulk sizes and were not that busy (less exposure to the 'zombie carriers'). However, is was easy to spot the idiots --shoppers without masks or not wearing gloves, 10%-20% of those POS fools.

Tattoo Parlor in Georgia, US
View attachment 16424
Not wearing gloves working near exposure to another's bleeding -- Y'all idiots?
Darwin's theory in play ... Adapt or Die for real.

@Graybeard follow @drjackkruse, a neurosurgeon who debunks skin cancer and an expert on sunlight. This doc is great. Enjoy.

Check this forum thread. How to fight COVID-19

Of course , smoking is harmful. However, pure nicotine is beneficial.


Not a scientist or medical professional. Use at your own risk and discretion.
I had a minor plastic surgery to remove a basal cell between my left ear and eye that was malignant -- probably caused by working in the hot sun as a stone mason for 13 years. That was 15 years ago.
Nicotine is a drug and in larger quantities a poison.
CDC - Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentrations (IDLH): Nicotine - NIOSH Publications and Products
Those are proven facts. No not listening to quack 'doctors' or Trolling Presidents that suggest internal use of disinfectants.

Also just why are cigarette smokers dying of COVID-19 too? They have nicotine in their blood stream? Simple common sense ..
Here a good home remedy for a starting sore throat (maybe been a few hours).
Afrin (Oxymetazoline) nose spray followed by saline nose spray, gargle with Listerine Mouth Wash, gargle with Hydrogen Peroxide and spit it out when done. Don't eat nor drink for 30 min after --seems to work (so far).
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I had a minor plastic surgery to remove a basal cell between my left ear and eye that was malignant -- probably caused by working in the hot sun as a stone mason for 13 years. That was 15 years ago.
Nicotine is a drug and in larger quantities a poison.
CDC - Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentrations (IDLH): Nicotine - NIOSH Publications and Products
Those are proven facts. No not listening to quack 'doctors' or Trolling Presidents that suggest internal use of disinfectants.

Also just why are cigarette smokers dying of COVID-19 too? They have nicotine in their blood stream? Simple common sense ..

I respect your views and opinion.
not opinion --facts without revisionism --that's called science Lee ...
Anyway, we got a new problem --animal infection and animal food (meat, diary and eggs) supply security --learn to become a vegan?
Mink found to have coronavirus on two Dutch farms: ministry
If cow farts will spread the disease (within the herd), then to the slaughterhouse kill floor; infecting the butchers --there will be a shortage of meat. If chickens start dying off (remember avian flu?) a shortage of eggs or poultry.

Top populated nations (ex. China poor statistic reporting);

This is just the tip of the Iceberg.
Here a good home remedy for a starting sore throat

My mom always had us gargle with warm salt water when we had sore throats. I still do that, although I don't like it any better now than when I was a kid. But it works.