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User Report Thread.

and the next one for the trash: minda ema | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

I post her message, worthy of the Pulitzer Prize in the category Spam For Laughs:
You end up as rich as Donald Trump | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix
You end up as rich as Donald Trump. Regardless of how achievements presents itself to you, God has excellent plans for the gifts he gives to you. I subscribe to the view offered by Mark Victor Hansen in his guide, The One Minute Millionaire. God does not intend for us to be the repositories for wealth and achievements. Instead, he wants us to be the conduits for the gifts we get. If we are responsible stewards then he just may bless us with more Binary Interceptor

Aww, isn't that sweet? Can you feel the love?
I even began to dream of them. Seriously, no joke!
Would be interesting to hear the opinion of Sigmund Freud, what this kind of dreams is meaning o_O

Thanks guys, all you need to post is the username link then we can mass delete the thread attached to them, thanks.
Always did that. But sometimes it's also funny to read their headlines :D
Hey, I haven't tried that for my campaigns yet. Hmmm....:D
Yeah, I also got a clue for my next Thanksgiving campaign:
I think we've seen that guy before, haven't we? Or something almost the same.
Sounds always similar in some way. I think meanwhile they only change their sequences of letters for their usernames ;)
BTW, just digged a bit through the "Business, Resources and Marketplace"-Forum.
There are some posts hard at the limit. We should watch accurately ;)
BTW, just digged a bit through the "Business, Resources and Marketplace"-Forum.
There are some posts hard at the limit. We should watch accurately ;)

Hmmm....haven't been in that forum for a bit, will have to put on my fedora and trench coat, do a little reconnaissance.

Thanks for the tip!
Yeah, some offers and posts sound dubious for me, never would jump in.
But that will probably always be so. Black sheep are everywhere.

Hmmm....haven't been in that forum for a bit, will have to put on my fedora and trench coat, do a little reconnaissance.
Thanks for the tip!
Please don't forget your gloves when you start to work on it ;)
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Hmmm....haven't been in that forum for a bit, will have to put on my fedora and trench coat, do a little reconnaissance.

Thanks for the tip!
Yeah, some offers and posts sound dubious for me, never would jump in.
But that will probably always be so. Black sheep are everywhere.

Please don't forget your gloves when you start to work on it ;)

Hi guys, I've been taking a hard look at those threads the past couple of weeks as well. There are a number of questionable members abusing the system. I've already taken some of them out. We'll be tightening up on those forums this week. Thanks for the reports and feedback everyone, it's a great help!