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Value Plus Directory - Open for submission


New Member
I am announcing the launch of a new General Web Directory Value Plus Directory, Please submit your websites in the relevant categories for FREE. I have added about 306 categories there manually so far, if you don't find any category related to your website, please suggest a new category here for it. I will create it for sure.

URL: Value Plus Directory

Only family friendly sites please. Start submitting your quality sites now.

DO NOT submit to TOP Catagories unless your a featured link please...

DO NOT Submit penis, brest enhancement sites or any crap sites that you know i will reject...


Two featured listing! I appreciate that very much, I will add 2 featured listing :)
it will be and
Two featured listing! I appreciate that very much, I will add 2 featured listing :)
it will be and

Appreciate that temi. Waiting for your both featured listings alongwith other regular listings.

Ahhh, now I understand, are you expecting me to pay for the featured listing? I thought you are giving it to me free :)

The featured listing on a new PR0 directory that will not get any PR at next Google update is too expensive at almost $30.

If you have a special "temi" price send it to me via PM and I will consider paying for featured listing.
Now valueplusdir has over 400 active submissions in less than 1 day. Take your position now or else you have to pay for this after few days ;)