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Voluum not tracking clicks (Mobidea)

I have tried to tick it from my first compaign but it does not work it stays the way it is not like the other tokens(see below screenshot) . Any reason why? for the click loss i have noticed it but how do i decide about the % to adjust in voluum? Thank you!
Capture 7.JPG
If you want Voluum to track the costs based on what you're bidding within PopAds, then you need to put the cost model to auto.

CPM will just apply a cost for every 1000 visits - so in your case, 1000 visits = $3 spend (which probably won't match up to PopAds).
Hi Sephrata

Thank you for your answer and i really appreciate your help.

As far as i understand there are two methods to set up a compaign with pop traffic (Popads in this case):

1.Choosing the CPM cost value in the compaign setting and enable the impression tracking in the traffic source setup.
2.Choosing the auto cost tracking in the compaign set up so the cost will be provided by the traffic source automatically through the tockens.

My questions are:
1. Is it normal when you choose the 1st method that the cost in the advanced parameters of the traffic source set up is not enabled (see below screenshot)? i have runned a compaign using this method but it did not generat the cost. Just for your info i have used Adsbridge before switching to voluum and i could enable the cost parameter (bid=[BID]) in the advanced parameter of the traffic source set up and i was able to track the cost of my 2 compaigns.

2. I have also runned a compaign with the 2nd method and now i have the cost but my spending at Popads did not much the cost provided by voluum.

Thank you for your assistance!

Kind regards,
Screenshot 1.png
I have runned a compaign on startApp using voluum and i am not getting any data in the variables section. I guess it is related to the postback URL set up (Please see below screenshot). Also the startAPP dashboard does not shows any clicks or spend.I am also getting more than 50% of the visits from countries i did not target and getting a lot of traffic from desktop even i have targeted only mobile. Would you please advise what could be the reason?

Capture 10.JPG

Capture 11.JPG