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Voluum - The Ultimate Guide!

First off, I'd like to publicly thank you for this AMAZING guide!
This is an explary contribution!

I'm working with MUNDO Media, and you've explained [offline] that the Offer URL I need, is listed in MUNDO Media as the Tracking URL.
So once I have this Offer URL (Tracking URL) copied to my clipboard, I'm unsure of what to do with it, next, in relation to getting my campaign started.

Also, with Voluum, in the Gear Icon -> Setup -> Postback URL, I have the following URL listed:
From your tutorial, I see that I'm supposed to replace the "cid" and the "payout", with two tokens from the MUNDO Media (or whichever) Affiliate Network.
Earlier in your tutorial, you said "cid" = Creative ID. I'm uncertain of where to locate the creatives, as well as their corresponding IDs. It's because of this, that I don't know what to replace "REPLACE" with.
Also, for "payout", do I replace "OPTIONAL" with a decimal point number, containing the amount that will be earned per action, once the action is completed?

Thank you,
With mundo, you'll take your tracking URL and add this at the end: &subid1={}&subid2={clickid}

Now create the offer in Voluum and use that link and fill the settings as shown in the guide.

Then you need to take your Voluum's Postback URL and replace the tokens with the ones shown in the Mundo Media Pixels tab.
If this is your Postback URL:

The one for Mundo media should be:
Copy it to the pixel tab and click "add pixel".

That's it. You can create your campaign now and start running traffic.
Thanks for the response!

I should have updated this thread sooner, but I got that part taken care of before noticing your post (I'm actually just now seeing your reply, here). But, as I posted in my journey thread, I'm skeptical about this
Both before and after going all the way through the process of having Voluum create the new Campaign Link, the same issue persists.
This is copy/pasted from my journey thread:
I believe I MIGHT have everything setup correctly, to launch my first campaign. There's just one more thing that definitely needs to be done, and one possible URL adjustment that MIGHT need to be made... Let me explain...

Earlier, after clicking on my MUNDO Media Tracking URL, a new white-screen window opens with a popup, telling me I'm "a lucky winner". For kicks and giggles, I click "OKAY", and it proceeds to ask me 5 survey questions, for some odd reason, about how old I am, my gender, whether or not I shop online, my favorite color, and about which prize I'd like to win, from some random list of 3 items.. The thing is, NONE of the survey questions or this random stuff has anything to do with the fact that this is a CPI offer is for an Antivirus app.


So moving on, I answer the questions and select the random item, where I'm then sent to the next screen and asked about how many freaking triangles I see inside a large triangle.


Needless to say, I closed it, because it's not at all related to what the CPI offer was supposed to be about.

Question... Is this what I'm going to be sending people through, if I promote this offer???

On a much lighter note, I now understand how to make all these URLs, and in case I need to find a different product to market, as my first offer, I at least gained the knowledge to do it. I may need to, because I don't want to spam people with garbage that's not even related to what I'm trying to get people to install... Actually, I didn't even see the app that I was trying to get people to install, when I followed that URL. Has anyone experienced this before?

See more at:
That's the Geo redirection sending you to a universal offer because you're not in the country/OS that works for the offer.
Try watching it trough a Proxy and a phone and it should load fine.
Will try it as soon as I return to my laptop. Also, Decisive needs me to upload some creative or something, but I have none.

Once this part is done, I should be good to go, for my first campaign.
That's the Geo redirection sending you to a universal offer because you're not in the country/OS that works for the offer.
Try watching it trough a Proxy and a phone and it should load fine.

I tried, however, I then came across this:

As a test, I also ran the initial Tracking URL through the proxy and arrived at the same screen.
Which country is it?
There's also a problem where sometimes that the offers are active but the landers or offers pages are not anymore.
This is something you should bring to your manager on Mundo.
However, I don't know how did you choose this offer. Most hot offers work alright because otherwise many affiliates would be contacting their managers.
It's working. I've updated it in my journey thread.
Thanks ^_^

As for the "hot offers"... They seem to always be "Private", and I'm unable to get them unlocked. It's likely because my AM is pretty much a ghost.
Now I will complete my landers and creatives, and will need to figure out how to have Decisive send people to my landing pages. I now know how to track what happens with my Offer Link, once someone clicks it on my lander.. I just now need to know how to send them to my landers. :)
Once I do this, I'll split test with my creatives & landers to see which combinations work best! :)
Fantastic guide, thanks! I've just noticed, that if I want to use a custom domain in Voluum (instead of, I need to upgrade to the 99 USD plan.

Do you know if AdWords is OK with or it's better if it's used with a custom domain?

Fantastic guide, thanks! I've just noticed, that if I want to use a custom domain in Voluum (instead of, I need to upgrade to the 99 USD plan.

Do you know if AdWords is OK with or it's better if it's used with a custom domain?

Adwords is very picky even with custom domains. So I'd really recommend to upgrade if you plan to run some real campaigns with Voluum :)
No, but that one is easy.

1. create your lander on your VPS
2. Add your click link from voluum (click the gear icon, setup tab) to the call to action
3. Add your lander URL to voluum and select a country/name
4. When you create a campaign, just add the lander instead of direct linking.