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w3Bids Directory is accepting submissions!



WorldWedwWeb Directory is officially open to new submissions! is based on LinkBidScript with many custom modifications. Unique custom design is created for better spidering.

What do we offer:

1. You get minimum of 4 links to your main url:
- from main category page
- from alphabetic category page
- from listing details page
- from top listings page which lists ALL active sites sorted by rating

In addition 20 latest listings are shown on New Links page

As usual top 10 rated sites are displayed on the home page with the highest one shown site-wide in the header.

2. Extended brief description accepted for the category listings pages and even more extended for the details page.

3. Listing details page will have your own Title, meta description and meta keywords - it's like having your own extra mini website!

4. Up to 3 deep links to the internal pages are allowed for free with every submission and will show up on the details page

5. Sitemap will be submitted to Google daily if there are new sites approved for listing.

6. RSS feeds from every main and alphabetic category as well as top links and new links feeds are submitted to Yahoo.

There are few more modifications currently under development and should be introduced shortly.

We already started major promotion and main part of generated revenues will be reinvested to increase traffic.