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“Adavice”/  “CPA

wannabe successful affiliate

What offers are you promoting?

Keep in mind that there is a big world outside of promoting IM / MMO offers.

I have been promoting PPL (pay per lead...lead generation) offers for over 16 years.

The key reason is because there is no credit card / purchase required to complete an offer. All a user has to do is fill out a form, so conversion rates are typically much higher than offers that require a sale to be made.

Some of the verticals that I have done extremely well are: insurance, education, mortgage, credit, debt, loans, assistance, homeowner offers, etc...

They are huge markets that have mass appeal, so the potential to produce high volume exists and they are fairly easy to cross promote.

For me, it's all about the path of least resistance to generating conversions / $$$. As it is just simply easier to get someone to fill out a short form, than take out their credit card and make a purchase.

Something to think about.
i did a lot of learning past few days and my head almost literaly exploded

Information overload is a common complaint. Sounds like you've gotten past that now by focusing on one area.

I have decided to do this slowly cause I think its a process afterall

Very wise.

no easy Money here as I thought and as a lot of other people think

That's right. Unfortunately, some so-called gurus will tell you that it's fast, easy and get rich quick. As you've discovered, that's not true. It's an investment of time, learning, effort and money.

So what do you think about it?

Very attractive home page (I didn't go deeper) but it was slow loading. I was using DuckDuckGo, if it matters (my default now).
Remember to take it slow, the worst mistake new affiliates make is to go big on the first try. Read along and focus on one method until you can make a living out of it.
So what do you think about it?

Truthfully, I think you're focusing on the wrong market. First of all, I would stick to products which pay a commission that does not involve the customer taking out his credit card to buy something. You will take all the risk that way and the merchant takes none. That isn't fair.

What you want to do is focus on "easy to promote" products which pay per application, form submit or online inquiry. Pretty much anything in traditional CPA is good for starters to get your feet wet, but personally I would focus on anything that pays at least £10 to £20 per lead. Anything less and it's too small fry in my opinion.

Think property, debt, claims, investments, loans, insurance, gambling ... those kind of products are IMHO much more suited to build a long term affiliate business around nowadays.

Hope that helps ;)